Questions the demo should answer

By Aahzmandius_Karrde, in Star Wars: Destiny

Character points for a standard game? Any other point scales tested for "larger" games?

Card limitations in the support deck?

Hand size and draw rules?

How do dice sides with the second (orange) symbol on them work? Alternative generation?

Clarify that die sides with +X need to add on to another die with the same symbol

Beyond that I'm think I've got gameplay down (see )

I completely missed were it says a character can have a second die. I saw Luke has two dice but he had an attachment that provided the second dice. But a second die does make sense out of that starting point cost on the characters.

Edited by Ywingscum

The only way to get a second die for a legendary card is to get doubles! Oh man, now you can't trade a double?

In a game with a 2 of deck limit, doubles are a playset and you wouldn't likely trade away a playset.