In a flap over wings

By Calgor Grim, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

See what I did there?

Ah never mind. Anyway I'm rolling up some test characters and for mutations rolled up the winged result. Now I know it has variations based on current alignment with feathered wings for Tzeentch, insect ones for Nurgle etc but what option exists for wings on an unaligned character? Do you borrow from those four or have you got another flying critter not covered?

To clarify I know how it works mechanically I'm just building up descriptions and stats.

Use the table from Tome of Corruption. (WFRP II) If you have the guts... > :D

roll from the animalistic features table.

Or just made up one...

Actually I was more asking from an aesthetic point of view. Can't seem to think of a wing design that doesn't match the god specific ones and isn't fairy!

Bat, mechanical, eldarish, dragon, flying squirrel, fish fins

Bat, mechanical, eldarish, dragon, flying squirrel, fish fins

Cheers. Brain not in gear, blame Tzeentch

oooooh oooooh

Big flappy dumbo ears!

Bat, mechanical, eldarish, dragon, flying squirrel, fish fins

Cheers. Brain not in gear, blame Tzeentch

Well, Chaos Furies are allowed to be unaligned, so maybe look at their wings.

Edit: So bats, basically.

Edited by Servant of Dante

BUTTERFLY WINGS! on an a Khornate character!


Actually don't do that.

slime wings:


Do skeletal wings count as bat/dragon, or are they their own thing?


Now stained glass wings may seem a bit odd for chaos, but I had this idea for Word Bearers helldrake, made out of the ruins of a defiled cathedrall.


Edited by Robin Graves

Oh and if you want to get real gift of the chaos gods bad-ass:


Tentacle wings of eldrith energy !