Using Sharpies for quick and easy details.

By ianediger, in Star Wars: Armada Painting and Modification

Hey guys, I am going to tidy up my Imperial fleet with a fleet insignia and serial markings on the ships. I was wondering, since money is a bit tight right now, is it ok to use Sharpies to create details, for example using a fine point to outline and a regular to fill in? Thanks!

And yes, I will post pics when I find the time to get it done.

Well, yes and no.

Super Fine-Tip Artist Pens, not a problem. I use them to black-line recesses on occasion.

With Sharpies though, you'll have to be careful with any potential bleed... So test it on an inconspicuous portion first... I dare say that sharpie will be okay on FFG paint, but certainly, it will want to bleed through on any painted acrylics that have been added.

Well, looks like I'll be making a trip to my not-so-local hobby store.

Which is a Hobby Lobby.

God help me.

I think God works there as a sales clerk during the week, so you should be ok. He likes Sundays off and the fact that at least in my local store they play instrumental versions of Christian top 40 songs on endless loop.

I used superfine sharpies (black) for the TIE panels and it was quick and added some much needed color. I got the blood stripe on Fel and his boys. That is about as detailed as you can get with those. I tried stripes on the XW and while it added some color, they looked a bit funny with just a front windshield.

Whenever I go into a Hobby Lobby, I find where they have things with single letters on them and spell out "Bad Wolf"