Played in an escalation league, had a blast even if I didn't do well day one!

By joyrock, in X-Wing Battle Reports

So the league is starting with just wave 1, with you only being able to use upgrades that come with your ship, and at only 60 points. Each week is more points, and adding a new wave, but you must stick with the same faction the entire league. Scum are given access to all of Most Wanted, but can only use ships as they're released in waves.

Naturally, I stuck with Imperials, and decided to run a two Tie Advanced list, Vader with Swarm Tactics and Stele with expert handling.

The first two games were against Dual X-Wing lists. One was Biggs with Wedge, the other was Biggs and Garven Dreis. Unfortunately, my piloting left a lot to be desired in both games. The first ended up being a quick, total wipe, and the second I put up a decent fight, but couldn't finish off Biggs, and one mistake left an actionless Vader dead, and Stele running off.

The third game I made a very good fight of it. I was up against a scum list running Drea Renthal with Unhinged Astromech and Autoblasters, as well as Ndru Suhlak and a Binayre Pirate, both with Hot Shot blasters. Deployment had Ndru off in one corner opposite my Advanceds, so I made a beeline for him, while the other two flew in through the asteroids to try and fight me. Some good luck with early shooting took Ndru down after only removing a single shield from Stele, after which I was able to speed off and reposition, fighting the Pirate while keeping out of range 1 of the Y-Wing. A lot more shooting left both Vader and the Pirate without shields, but unable to finish it out, repositioning constantly because I had much better speed and maneuverability. I eventually came to a point where I wasn't sure if Vader was in arc, and a barrel roll away might possibly have put him in range 1 of the Y-Wing. I took the risk, and unfortunately left Vader with barely a millimeter of his base in arc of the Pirate, who was able to take Vader, having earlier been given a damage from the Pirate's Hot Shot Blaster, out. Stele again was left running and trying to reposition, but unfortunately time was called before it could happen.

Was a great format to play, and even with the losses I'm more than looking forward to learning the game and playing this League!