I have a question for people who have more experience running this game. This is in reference to the rule where a player can auto succeed at a requisition test by sacrificing D5 influence. It is discussed in this rules question thread here:
My question is how do people handle this? The issue I have is that this rule allows for people to get the best, most exotic stuff in the game for possibly 1 influence which is crazy to me. Yes there is the 2 subtlety penalty but that isn't any worse than if they were requisitioning a las gun and even if they roll a 5 that's not a bad trade off if they don't really need to requisition anything super important again. I'm worried that this rule will destabilize the campaign either causing me to have to re-balance all the combat encounters on the fly to make them not pushovers, or create a situation where players that didn't abuse this rule are then left being vastly under powered. It also removes a bit of the motivation to gear up a character if literally anything is obtainable immediately.
Do you guys as GMs:
a) create additional penalties for players thematically like "ok you got the best quality power armor now guys who made it want a favor at some random time"
b) limit the use of this rule somewhat, like if the combined test is less than 0% you can't sacrifice to get the item
c) remove it entirely (I'm leaning towards this personally)
d) require the player to actually sacrifice something as the blurb implies they are doing (like sending an ally off to die or making a harsh bargain they have to worry about in the future)
e) say this rule is not applicable to certain items (ultra rare and near unique stuff)
f) do nothing and allow a best quality void gun at character creation because at the end of the day it doesn't really matter
I'd like to have a plan going in since we've never been aware of this rule before; it's kinda buried in the GM area and players mostly skip that.