Official FFG Email Clarifications <Paste Here>

By WGNF911, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

I was on my phone, just posting the relevant bits. My bad :)

Also in: errata to Nebula will say minimum of 1 command dial.

Still good to always be right.

Hello Bjørn,
In response to your question:
Hello, Corellian Conflict Nebula Outskirts. For the 2nd player, should the objective read "minimum of 1"? Or did you intend for Command 1 ships to get not command dials at all? That seems odd, as it would heavily penalize the 2nd player. Cheers Bjørn
Yes, that is an errata to that card. The sentence should read:

The total number of command dials that must be assigned to each of the second player’s ships during each Command Phase is decreased by 1 to a minimum of 1.

Thanks for your question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer
Hello Bjørn,
In response to your question:
Hello, Corellian Conflict In the campaign, if I'm exceeding my squadron "cap" due to battle losses, can I still field all my squadrons or do some have to be left behind (there are no rules for leaving anything but upgrades behind). My guess is you can bring all squadrons even if above cap (but you obviously can't purchase more). Cheers Bjørn
Correct. You can field all of your squadrons, but cannot purchase additional squadrons if the total squadron value would be greater than one-third of your final total fleet value.
Thanks for your question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer
Hello Bjørn,
In response to your question:
Hello, Corellian Conflict After the 1st round of play, how does one calculate the max number of points that may be spent on squadrons? I'm thinking that its your current fleet points (i.e. AFTER you've bought any reinforcements) that set the cap. That would seem the simplest - only sane - option. Example: I have 400 fleet points, and exactly 134 points worth of squadrons. If I invest 40 resources, my fleet points are now 440, setting the squadron cap to 147. Cheers Bjørn
Yes, your squadron fleet-point value cannot exceed one-third of your fleet-point total (rounded up). So, in your example if you planned to increase your fleet to 440 you could add additional squadrons as long as your final squadron total did not exceed 147.
Thanks for your question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer
Hello Bjørn,
In response to your question:
Hello, Armed Station Are the battery and anti-squadron values on the Armed Station card transposed? My guess is "yes", but I'd like for it to get an official Errata. Cheers Bjørn
Yes, those values are transposed. The station’s a nti-squadron should be 1 blue; its battery should be 2 red, 2 blue. This will be addressed as an errata in the upcoming FAQ.
Thanks for your question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer
Hello Bjørn,
In response to your question:
Hello, Corellian Conflict In what order are stickers placed when setting up the game? The rules note that Corellia goes to the Imps, then Imps pick a base location then 1 rebel player places 1 sticker (not 2). In a later section it says teams alternate until each Imp has place 1 sticker and each Reb 2 stickers. So do each rebel place 1 sticker only, and then place their 2nd sticker after every player has placed their 1st sticker? Or do each rebel actually place both stickers when their turn comes up? Phrased differently, is it: A) Corellia - Imp - Reb - Imp - Reb - Imp - Reb, then each rebel places another sticker or B) Corellia - Imp - Rebx2 - Imp - Rebx2 - Imp - Rebx2 The rules - and my instincts - tell me it's A, but it's not clear cut. Cheers Bjørn
When it is each Rebel player’s turn to place stickers he places 2 Rebel Presence stickers. That paragraph is slightly confusing and will be addressed as an errata. The revised paragraph should read:

To begin, the Imperial team places an additional Imperial Base sticker on Corellia. Both teams record the presence of an Imperial base on their Team Roster. Then, one Imperial player places his Imperial Base sticker on one of the locations on the campaign map. Both teams record the presence of an Imperial base on their Team Roster. Then one Rebel player places one of his Rebel Presence stickers on one of the locations on the campaign map. The Imperial team records the Rebel presence at that location on their Team Roster. The Rebel team, however, records whether this location is a Rebel outpost or a Rebel base. Each Rebel player must place two Rebel Presence stickers. These stickers can represent outposts or bases. However, only half of the total Rebel stickers can represent bases, the other half must represent outposts. Whether the Rebel Presence sticker denotes the location of an outpost or a base is only recorded on the Rebel Team Roster and kept secret from the Imperial team.

Thanks for your question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

To the surprise of no one at all, but thanks for posting!

And yeah, good to be right all the time.

3 minutes ago, Ardaedhel said:

To the surprise of no one at all, but thanks for posting!

And yeah, good to be right all the time.

I was not surprised.

I find that common sense goes a long way when interpreting the rules.

But maybe that's just me :rolleyes:

GK = Green Knows.

1 hour ago, ovinomanc3r said:

GK = Green Knows.

:D :D

Where's CDAT and his passionate anti Nebula Outskirts common sense approach when you need him?

CDAT - read the above :)

Setup we got right! Yay for Option... whatever it was... B?

How RLB actually works (thanks to @thecolourred for posting the answer he received):

6 hours ago, thecolourred said:

Hello [theColourRed],

In response to your question:

There seems to be some contention on the forum with Rapid Launch bays (RLB), which boils down to three ways to play it: Assuming 4 squadron value, with X-Wings already on the table, and B-Wings set aside. 1)RLB states you may spend squadron points to place a squadron instead of activating (so you take one of your set aside squadrons and put it on the table). You may then spend another squadron point to activate it. EX: spend 2 squadron points to place 2 B-Wings. Spend 1 Squadron point to activate an X-Wing. Spend last squadron point to activate one of the placed B-Wings 2)RLB lets you place any number of set aside squadrons on the table (without spending squadron points). You may then activate squadrons in range at will. EX: Spend 0 squadron points to place 4 B-Wings. Spend 1 squadron point on an xwing. Spend 3 squadron points to shoot with 3 B-Wings. 3) RLB lets you place any number of set aside squadrons on the table, then activate them (since the FAQ says you "can" activate those squadrons; ignoring common sense of the wording on Boosted Comms). You can then activate a number of squadrons equal to your squadron points. EX: Spend 0 squadron points to place 4 B-Wings on the table. Spend 0 Squadron Points to shoot with 4 B-Wings. Spend 4 squadron Points to move + shoot with 4 X-Wings Thank you for your time.

The second interpretration is correct.

The set-aside squadrons placed by the ship equipped with Rapid Launch Bays must be less than or equal to the number of squadrons that ship can activate during that squadron command. However, simply placing a set-aside squadron does not count as an activation. The ship can place squadrons and then activate those squadrons (or choose to activate other squadrons in range) as long as they do not exceed the number of squadrons it can activate. Set-aside squadrons that are placed cannot also move if activated as part of that squadron command.

To echo your example, a ship equipped with Rapid Launch Bays has a squadron value of “4” and sets 4 B-wing squadrons aside. During a later round, the ship resolves a squadron command from its dial and first chooses to place all 4 of the B-wing squadrons. Then, the ship activates 3 of those B-wings and 1 X-wing that are at its squadron activation range. The B-wing squadrons can attack but cannot move as part of that activation.

Thanks for your question!

Michael Gernes
Game Producer

I got a rash of e-mail replies a while back, but didn't bother posting them before, since it's all been FAQed.

Adding it now in case it's of interest for the nit-pickers ;)

This one is interesting, because it clearly spells out that identical cards do stack, and that BCC don't bc of the errata only.


Hello Bjørn,
In response to your question:
Rules Question:
Hello, Bomber Command Center (and also Targeting Scrambler) Do multiples of this card stack? There is nothing in the game text or rules to indicate otherwise, unless there will be a FAQ entry ruling otherwise. I may have submitted the same question before. Cheers Bjørn
You are correct that the core rules of Armada do not prohibit resolving the same effect from two different cards on dice while attacking. As you’ve probably seen by now, there is an errata for Bomber Command in the latest FAQ.
At the time we received your question we received several others on the same topic. So, thanks for your patience!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer
Edited by Green Knight

Interesting in that it's probably the same reasoning that lets Rieekan apply until end of round, even if his ship is removed from play.


Hello Bjørn,
In response to your question:
Rules Question:
Hello, Fleet Command upgrades These cards state "until end of round". Do they therefor remain in effect until the end of the round, even if the Pelta is destroyed? Or does the effect end immediately if the ship is removed from play? Cheers Bjørn
An effect like the existing fleet command upgrades does last until the end of the round that it is resolved, whether the ship that card is equipped to is destroyed or not.
We have added this to the individual card clarifications of the current FAQ, in case you have not yet seen it. At the time we received your question about this, we received several like it, so we focused on getting our official response into the FAQ.
Thanks for your question and your patience!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

You CAN snipe out of engagement. Nothing new now.


Hello Bjørn,
In response to your question:
Rules Question:
Hello, Snipe If a squadron with Snipe is engaged with a (non-Escort) squadron, can it also opt to Snipe at a squadron at distance 2? The RRG only states that it must shoot at engaged squadrons instead of ships. it does not specifically forbid the squadron from attacking other, non-engaged squadrons. Cheers Bjørn
Yes, in your example the squadron with Snipe can attack the enemy squadron at distance 2. However, if the squadron with Snipe was engaged with a squadron with Escort, it could not attack a squadron without Escort.
As with some of your other recent questions, we incorporated our answer into the current FAQ but did not have an earlier chance to respond to you personally. Thanks for waiting, and thanks for your questions!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

For DT I'm going to add "I told you so" :D


Hello Bjørn,
In response to your question:
Rules Question:
Hello, Dangerous Territory/Strategic What happens if a Strategic squadron moves an Objective token off an obstacle? Does that simply mean a ship can't pick up that token (until its put back in place that is). That's my interpretation. Some other players are arguing that Strategic can't affect DT tokens, but I can't find anything to support this. Cheers Bjørn
In Dangerous Territory, a squadron with Strategic can move objective tokens off of or onto obstacles. However, an objective token can only be removed to gain 1 victory token if it is overlapping an obstacle.
As with some of your other recent questions, this has been incorporated into the latest FAQ. Thanks again for your questions; they help give us an idea which rules the community is finding a challenge!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

More Snipe


Hello Bjørn,
In response to your question:
Rules Question:
Hello, Snipe & Flight Controllers Does FC add a blue dice to Snipe attacks? I'd say yes, because snipe is worded as anti-squadron armament, same as the printed anti-squadron armament. But some players argue it won't apply. What's the verdict? Cheers Bjørn
This effect also increases a squadron’s armament while attacking with Snipe.
We have added this into the latest FAQ as well. Thanks for your questions!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

The best for last. This one CLEARLY spells out that max speed for a squad (in a single move) is 5, even if the card doesn't spell that out.


Hello Bjørn,
In response to your question:
Rules Question:
Hello, Can squadrons move faster than speed 5? Or is there an implied "maximum speed 5" for all such instances (for example Corrupter + TIE Defender). Cheers Bjørn
A squadron’s maximum speed value is limited to “5”. However, it is possible to resolve effects like Fighter Coordination Team so that a squadron is able to move an additional distance outside of its activation.
Thanks for your question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

Is not there a dev's answer to Sloane and defense token being spent by the defender somewhere?

3 minutes ago, ovinomanc3r said:

Is not there a dev's answer to Sloane and defense token being spent by the defender somewhere?

Technically speaking, It is not an Official FFG Email Clarification.

Its something else.

I got these some days ago. I didn't find this thread until now.

  • Two questions about "Capture the VIP"
Hello Álvaro,
In response to your question:
Playing Capture the VIP a ship with the objective token ends its movement out of the play area. Where their opponent place the token if the ship ends it's movement partially out? Where if it ends it movement completely out of the play area? Also, the objective uses the same timing that the RRG to remove the ship from the play area: "When a ship is destroyed". Could the first player choose to resolve the ship removal before the second player could place the objective token again in the play area of the second player destroy the ship with the objective token? I guess he shouldn't but as written it would be possible and even completely legal. Thanks!

When a ship with the Capture the VIP objective token is destroyed because it ends its turn outside the play area, the opponent must place the token touching part of the ship’s base that remains in the play area at the ship’s final position. I f no part of the ship is in the play area, the opponent must place the token touching the edge of the play area at the point closest to the ship’s final position.

The objective token must be placed before the destroyed ship is removed.

Thanks for your question!
  • Another one about titles
Hello Álvaro,
In response to your question:
Hi. I want  ed to  know if it is possible for a ship to be equipped with more than one title. I thought it is not, but I can't find anything specific in the RRG nor the FAQ. It is said that ships can only equip one upgrade per matching slot in the upgrade bar, but titles, like commanders, don't have a slot in the upgrade bar. Thanks in advance.
No, a ship can only be equipped w  ith one title. However, you are correct that this is not currently defined in the RRG or FAQ. That rule is only stated on page 21 of the Learn to Play. That is an oversight, and we will make sure to clarify it in a future FAQ. 
Thanks for your question!

Not sure if this was answered somewhere before, but here it is:

Hello Przemyslaw,
In response to your question:
Hi, Could you please clarify if ship deployed from MC75 cruiser equipped with Profundity title can overlap squadrons? Many Thanks, Przemo
The small ship deployed from Profundity can be deployed overlapping squadrons. The opponent of the player deploying the ship places those squadrons as though the ship had overlapped them while executing a maneuver (similar to the effect on the Hyperspace Assault objective card).
Thanks for your question!

Hello Doppelganger,
In response to your question:
Hi, I need an official clarification on the upgrade card "slicer tools" the card text reads: "After you execute a maneuver, you may exhaust this card to choose an enemy ship at distance 1-3. You may choose a new command on its top command dial." Question: Who gets to physically set the new command chosen by the slicer tools owner? The ship owner, so that he does not have to show the old command to the slicer tools user, or the slicer tools owner, so that he does get to see the old command? I have seen conflicting interpretations: On the one hand the LTP document on page 7 states: "To choose a command, rotate the command dial so that the desired command icon is framed by the dial’s fastener." Although there is the caveat that this refers to setting your own commands. So is this to be treated as rules for slicer tools or not? On the other hand I have seen multiple people online claim: "You don't get to see what your opponent had selected for the dial you're going to change, you merely tell him what command the dial is now going to be." Since the card text does not state a handover of dials or a reveal. I would welcome a clarification. With regards, Doppel
The player controlling the ship equipped with Slicer Tools can physically pick up the dial and choose the command. Many players do want another player to physically handle their components. In this case, the owner of the affected ship can display the top dial and set it to the chosen command. In either case, the player controlling the ship with Slicer Tools is allowed to see and confirm that the dial that is being changed, including what that dial was previously set to.
Thanks for your question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer
On 8/14/2018 at 10:45 AM, Doppelganger said:
Hello Doppelganger,
In response to your question:
Hi, I need an official clarification on the upgrade card "slicer tools" the card text reads: "After you execute a maneuver, you may exhaust this card to choose an enemy ship at distance 1-3. You may choose a new command on its top command dial." Question: Who gets to physically set the new command chosen by the slicer tools owner? The ship owner, so that he does not have to show the old command to the slicer tools user, or the slicer tools owner, so that he does get to see the old command? I have seen conflicting interpretations: On the one hand the LTP document on page 7 states: "To choose a command, rotate the command dial so that the desired command icon is framed by the dial’s fastener." Although there is the caveat that this refers to setting your own commands. So is this to be treated as rules for slicer tools or not? On the other hand I have seen multiple people online claim: "You don't get to see what your opponent had selected for the dial you're going to change, you merely tell him what command the dial is now going to be." Since the card text does not state a handover of dials or a reveal. I would welcome a clarification. With regards, Doppel
The player controlling the ship equipped with Slicer Tools can physically pick up the dial and choose the command. Many players do want another player to physically handle their components. In this case, the owner of the affected ship can display the top dial and set it to the chosen command. In either case, the player controlling the ship with Slicer Tools is allowed to see and confirm that the dial that is being changed, including what that dial was previously set to.
Thanks for your question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

I’m bumping this thread for visability again. This particular item popped up in all my games yesterday.