Official FFG Email Clarifications <Paste Here>

By WGNF911, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Oooo, another oldie pops up!

Hello Cory,

In response to your question:

Hey guys, question for you on Fleet Ambush. The relevant text: Players take turns deploying fleets as normal, but must deploy all ships before deploying any squadrons.

So the question is, do BOTH players have to deploy all ships before EITHER player may deploy squadrons? Or does EACH player have to deploy all of his own ships before HE may deploy squadrons?

Example: we're playing my Fleet Ambush (so I'm second player). I have 6 ships and 4 squadrons; player 1 has 3 ships and 10 squadrons.

Deployment goes... P1 Ship P2 Ship P1 Ship P2 Ship P1 Ship P2 Ship ...

Then does Player 1 deploy a pair of squadrons next? Or does Player 2 finish deploying all of his ships, then both move on to deploying alternating squadron pairs?

It sounds like this is played differently in different communities, so we're trying to run down what the intent was.

Thanks again!


In Fleet Ambush, each player must deploy all of his ships before placing any squadrons. In your example, the second player would begin placing squadrons on his next deployment turn after he placed his third ship. Player 2 would continue deploying ships until all of his ships have been placed.

Thanks for your patience on this question!

Michael Gernes
Game Producer

28 minutes ago, Ardaedhel said:

Oooo, another oldie pops up!

Hello Cory,

In response to your question:

Hey guys, question for you on Fleet Ambush. The relevant text: Players take turns deploying fleets as normal, but must deploy all ships before deploying any squadrons.

So the question is, do BOTH players have to deploy all ships before EITHER player may deploy squadrons? Or does EACH player have to deploy all of his own ships before HE may deploy squadrons?

Example: we're playing my Fleet Ambush (so I'm second player). I have 6 ships and 4 squadrons; player 1 has 3 ships and 10 squadrons.

Deployment goes... P1 Ship P2 Ship P1 Ship P2 Ship P1 Ship P2 Ship ...

Then does Player 1 deploy a pair of squadrons next? Or does Player 2 finish deploying all of his ships, then both move on to deploying alternating squadron pairs?

It sounds like this is played differently in different communities, so we're trying to run down what the intent was.

Thanks again!


In Fleet Ambush, each player must deploy all of his ships before placing any squadrons. In your example, the second player would begin placing squadrons on his next deployment turn after he placed his third ship. Player 2 would continue deploying ships until all of his ships have been placed.

Thanks for your patience on this question!

Michael Gernes
Game Producer

Oldie but goodie!

31 minutes ago, Ardaedhel said:

In your example, the second* player would begin placing squadrons on his next deployment turn after he placed his third ship. Player 2 would continue deploying ships until all of his ships have been placed.

*he means first player I presume

1 minute ago, Kendraam said:

*he means first player I presume

I'm sure so, yes.

You can submit a question if you'd like. ;)

Just now, Ardaedhel said:

I'm sure so, yes.

You can submit a question if you'd like. ;)

Lol - Official FFG Email Clarification needed for an Official FFG Email Clarification?

Hello Ben,

In response to your question:
I have been play testing the new squads with my local group using proxy of course. question regarding the new Snipe ability. see this image for my example please. in this image, can the interceptor (proxy for Sabre squad with Snipe) attack the Awing at all? might be a bad example as i used an Xwing, and escort would come into play. if you can let's say both in the pic were Awings. would the Sabre/interceptor proxy be able to attack the Awing at distance 2 using Snipe or MUST he attack the Awing in distance 1 since they are engaged? there is quite a bit of discussion and disagreement on the Forums about whether or not the squad with snipe can ignore squads in distance one and go for squads at distance 2?? thanks
When a squadron attacks, it must attack an engaged squadron if possible rather than an enemy ship (Rules Reference, p6, Engagement). So, setting aside Escort, Sabre Squadron can still only attack the squadron that it is engaged with while it is engaged. If Sabre Squadron is unengaged, it can perform a Snipe attack.
To return to the Escort portion of your question, if Sabre Squadron is unengaged and at distance 2 of both the A-wing and an X-wing, it can attack either of those squadrons. This is because Escort depends on engagement to affect another squadron, and Sabre Squadron is not engaged with the X-wing.
Thanks for your question and your patience on my response!
Michael Gernes
22 hours ago, Ginkapo said:

When a squadron attacks, it must attack an engaged squadron if possible rather than an enemy ship (Rules Reference, p6, Engagement). So, setting aside Escort, Sabre Squadron can still only attack the squadron that it is engaged with while it is engaged. If Sabre Squadron is unengaged, it can perform a Snipe attack.

Oh how I hate that this one went this way.

Here is another one. I really like the ruling.

Hello Michael,
In response to your question:
Hey there, I was wondering if Flight Controllers will give an additional blue die to a squadron with Snipe. So E-Wings get to Snipe with 4 blue dice and Saber Squadron gets to Snipe with 5 blue dice if they are activated by a ship with Flight Controllers. Thanks! Michael
Yes, Flight Controllers also increase the anti-squadron armament specified by Snipe.
Thanks for your question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

Glad to see that answered, but I honestly thought the ruling would fall the other way. Still great to be answered.

And another. I asked this a while ago, and we already know the answer but why not right.

Hello Michael,
In response to your question:
After reading the new FAQ, I am still confused on the timing of G-8 Experimental Projectors on a normal maneuver. The card reads: "Before an enemy ship at distance 1-5 resolves the Determine Course step, you may exhaust this card to temporarily reduce its speed by 1 to a minimum of speed 0 until the end of the maneuver." Do I use it right before my opponent places the maneuver tool with the intent of locking their course? Or do I use it before my opponent enters the Determine Course step? Thanks, Michael
Thanks for your patience on this question! “Before... the Determine Course step” means immediately before that step. The activated ship then resolves all parts of Determine Course, including adjusting the maneuver tool and resolving the Nav command to adjust speed or Yaw.
This means your opponent can still change its speed dial in response to the G-8 effect, but the ship’s speed is still temporarily reduced by 1.
Thanks for your patience on this question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer
3 hours ago, Undeadguy said:

Here is another one. I really like the ruling.

Hello Michael,
In response to your question:
Hey there, I was wondering if Flight Controllers will give an additional blue die to a squadron with Snipe. So E-Wings get to Snipe with 4 blue dice and Saber Squadron gets to Snipe with 5 blue dice if they are activated by a ship with Flight Controllers. Thanks! Michael
Yes, Flight Controllers also increase the anti-squadron armament specified by Snipe.
Thanks for your question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

Its good to always be right :rolleyes:

2 hours ago, Green Knight said:

Its good to always be right :rolleyes:


14 hours ago, Undeadguy said:

Here is another one. I really like the ruling.

Hello Michael,
In response to your question:
Hey there, I was wondering if Flight Controllers will give an additional blue die to a squadron with Snipe. So E-Wings get to Snipe with 4 blue dice and Saber Squadron gets to Snipe with 5 blue dice if they are activated by a ship with Flight Controllers. Thanks! Michael
Yes, Flight Controllers also increase the anti-squadron armament specified by Snipe.
Thanks for your question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

Snipe 6.... Gross


FAQ 2.2.1 page 5 says:
Q: Which parts of a ship’s base block line of sight?
A: The ship’s entire plastic base blocks line of sight, excluding the plastic portions that frame shield dials. The shield dials also do not block or obstruct line of sight.

1. Is this true for testing attack eligibility vs. a particular hull zone, for non-attack effects, or for both?
2. If it's true for testing attack eligibility, how does it work? The rulebook says LoS is blocked if the line crosses a different target hull zone first, but "hull zone" is strictly defined as the cardboard portion only. Is the FAQ overriding the rulebook here, and if so, is this intentional?
I understand your confusion. The use of the term “block” in the FAQ passage you cite is imprecise: “The ship’s entire plastic base blocks line of sight…” In this passage, that word should be replaced with “obstructs”, because a ship’s base does not deny line of sight.
If you refer to the rules reference, p.6, the exact wording is “If line of sight is traced through a hull zone on the defender that is not the defending zone, the attacker does not have line of sight and must choose another target.” (my emphasis added). So, when measuring line of sight to determine if it is blocked, only the hull zones on the defender's ship token matter. One of the few other effects that deny line of sight in this manner are Dust Fields.
If you trace line of sight to a defender across an area of the plastic base of another ship (other than the dial frames or shield dials), that attack is obstructed, but can still be performed.
Most-non attack effects also do not require line of sight, and those that do specifically refer to measuring line of sight as if for an attack (for example, the Fire Lanes objective).

Michael Gernes
Game Producer

In response to your question:
This question is specifically about The Corellian Conflict campaign. How many campaign points are awarded for winning an assault against a base? The rule book says "Then the assaulting player's team gains campaign points equal to that location's VICTORY BONUS value." So, does that mean that winning an assault against a base on Talfaglio (+0 VICTORY BONUS) is awarded 0 points? That seems odd since winning an unoccupied battle there would award 1 point. Should the rule be: 1 plus the VICTORY BONUS? Thanks.
The "Scoring Battles” section on p.9 of the Campaign Guide reads “The player who wins the battle earns at least one campaign point for his team…” However, the last sentence of the second paragraph of “Determine Battle Effects” on p.10 of the Campaign Guide should be revised to help clarify this. That sentence should read (blue text is inserted):

"Then the assaulting player’s team gains campaign points equal to one plus that location’s victory bonus value.”

Thanks for your question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

Nice to know, but doesn't really make any sense, unless they revise some more stuff.

Specifically SPecial Assaults generate "at least one campaign point" and also "no campaign points".

Weird, huh?

44 minutes ago, Green Knight said:

Nice to know, but doesn't really make any sense, unless they revise some more stuff.

Specifically SPecial Assaults generate "at least one campaign point" and also "no campaign points".

Weird, huh?

No, because the referenced paragraph (second paragraph under DETERMINE BATTLE EFFECTS, pg 10) is specifically referring only to base/outpost battles.

FWIW, my FAQ has been running it this way and we didn't find any other inconsistencies or run into any issues. Successful base assaults between well-skill-balanced teams are rare enough that it's not a huge deal either way, though it does incentivize them slightly more.

2 minutes ago, Ardaedhel said:

No, because the referenced paragraph (second paragraph under DETERMINE BATTLE EFFECTS, pg 10) is specifically referring only to base/outpost battles.

FWIW, my FAQ has been running it this way and we didn't find any other inconsistencies or run into any issues. Successful base assaults between well-skill-balanced teams are rare enough that it's not a huge deal either way, though it does incentivize them slightly more.

Not really. p.9 refers to scoring battles in general.

Also, a 3 pt CP gain sounds like a lot. The game could be over very, very quickly.

But this isn't the right thread for me to moan.

Got two e-mails today, both CC:

Armed station values are indeed transposed and will receive errata

Base placement order will be FAQed. It's Corellia, Imperial, Rebel x2, Imperial, Rebel x2, Imperial, Rebel x2.

Also just in:

You calculate your squadron cap after you've added in points for any new squads. It's the only sane way.

If your squads exceed your normal max, you may bring them all to battle (but obviously can't buy more).

36 minutes ago, Green Knight said:

Also just in:

You calculate your squadron cap after you've added in points for any new squads. It's the only sane way.

If your squads exceed your normal max, you may bring them all to battle (but obviously can't buy more).

The second clarification seems abusive. Lets assume I have 134 points in squads going into in Round 1, and after round 1 you were able to save all your Resource Points, using only your Refit to fix scars. After round 2 you have 100+ Resource Points and spend 100 on new squads, raising your max squads total to 234. Designate yourself as the base defense guy and always choose "Fighter Wing" for an extra 40 points in squads and a total of 274:

  • Howlrunner
  • 32 TIE Fighters!
5 minutes ago, Thraug said:

The second clarification seems abusive. Lets assume I have 134 points in squads going into in Round 1, and after round 1 you were able to save all your Resource Points, using only your Refit to fix scars. After round 2 you have 100+ Resource Points and spend 100 on new squads, raising your max squads total to 234. Designate yourself as the base defense guy and always choose "Fighter Wing" for an extra 40 points in squads and a total of 274:

  • Howlrunner
  • 32 TIE Fighters!

Doesn't the first clarification though prevent that? You still have a cap, so you couldn't have spent the 100+ points on new squads.

Am I missing something about timing?

12 minutes ago, Thraug said:

The second clarification seems abusive. Lets assume I have 134 points in squads going into in Round 1, and after round 1 you were able to save all your Resource Points, using only your Refit to fix scars. After round 2 you have 100+ Resource Points and spend 100 on new squads, raising your max squads total to 234. Designate yourself as the base defense guy and always choose "Fighter Wing" for an extra 40 points in squads and a total of 274:

  • Howlrunner
  • 32 TIE Fighters!

Check your Squadron Cap vs. Fleet Total after purchasing each individual squadron , I guess.

24 minutes ago, Thraug said:

The second clarification seems abusive. Lets assume I have 134 points in squads going into in Round 1, and after round 1 you were able to save all your Resource Points, using only your Refit to fix scars. After round 2 you have 100+ Resource Points and spend 100 on new squads, raising your max squads total to 234. Designate yourself as the base defense guy and always choose "Fighter Wing" for an extra 40 points in squads and a total of 274:

  • Howlrunner
  • 32 TIE Fighters!


11 minutes ago, Drasnighta said:

Check your Squadron Cap vs. Fleet Total after purchasing each individual squadron , I guess.


Also, still max 1/3.

Edited by Green Knight
6 minutes ago, Drasnighta said:

Check your Squadron Cap vs. Fleet Total after purchasing each individual squadron , I guess.

Yeah, I would be interested to see the text of the answer on this one. It seems like GK's summary omitted relevant information on this one. Like, "check max squadron points after adding squadrons. If you're over, you can't add those ones you just added, duh" or something.