Official FFG Email Clarifications <Paste Here>

By WGNF911, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Go GK!

Go GK!

Yes, go me!

...looks like I have a new friend in FFG - Michael Gernes must really like my questions :D

Anyway. I'm glad to have these answers, but equally tellaing are the lack of respons to other questions. Key stuff, like stacking BCC/Scramblers, G-8s, FCT/XX-9 interaction etc.

It tells me they are hard at work with that FAQ, right at this moment.

Go GK!

Yes, go me!

...looks like I have a new friend in FFG - Michael Gernes must really like my questions :D

Anyway. I'm glad to have these answers, but equally tellaing are the lack of respons to other questions. Key stuff, like stacking BCC/Scramblers, G-8s, FCT/XX-9 interaction etc.

It tells me they are hard at work with that FAQ, right at this moment.

Or mabye hard at work playtesting to determine what they want the answeres to be...

Maybe...but I think they at a stage where they are just polishing the last few details.

Educated guesses:

- no BCC/Scrambler stacking

- G-8 can affect ET moves

I've no idea about the default crit/XX-9 with fire-control team

My jury is out on BCC stacking. Initial intent was obviously to stack, but the guys at the GC seem really sure that the devs are changing their tune. We'll see.

G-8 can probably affect ET.

My money is on default/XX-9 stacking, otherwise that seems like it senselessly hurts a crit upgrade that few people take as it is.

Maybe if we stopped sending them dozens of emails they had to respond to, they could finish the FAQ sooner.....heh.

Maybe if we stopped sending them dozens of emails they had to respond to, they could finish the FAQ sooner.....heh.

Something I've been saying for Months.

My jury is out on BCC stacking. Initial intent was obviously to stack, but the guys at the GC seem really sure that the devs are changing their tune. We'll see.

G-8 can probably affect ET.

My money is on default/XX-9 stacking, otherwise that seems like it senselessly hurts a crit upgrade that few people take as it is.

so about BCC stacking ...

Posting for Terry since he forwarded it my way :

In response to your question:

For multiple identical effects with the "When" or "While" keyword, does the effects for the two (or more) cards stack their effects? For example, if a ship has two Damaged Controls critical cards with "When" keywords, would it suffer only one additional damage, or two from each crit card from an overlap. And a follow on: Would multiple Bomber Command Centers with their "While" keyword be able to stack effects to modify the same attack by a squadron. Which brings to mind an addendum question: What is the definition of "the event" that is mentioned in the Effects Timing section of the rules?
Identical effects from multiple copies of the same card can be resolved for the same specified event. An effect from a single card is not resolved multiple times for that event.
So, if a ship has two (or more) faceup Damaged Controls cards, those effects have the same timing and the specified event is "when you overlap a ship or obstacle". Those cards’ effects are resolved one at a time, as the player controlling the ship chooses.
Your example with multiple Bomber Command Centers is similar. The specified event is "while a friendly squadron with bomber at distance 1–5 is attacking a ship". The attacking squadron can resolve the effect of each Bomber Command during the Modify Dice step, as it chooses.
Thanks for your question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

Those that like to fly X-Wings suddenly become very happy ...

Wow, I did not expect them to rule BCC as stacking, unofficially at least.

There was never any question in my mind on this one. It is logical, consistent with precedent, and balanced.

Wow, I did not expect them to rule BCC as stacking, unofficially at least.

We also may have to redefine our definition of "unofficially".

Since Michael is the only person at FFG answering Questions

We may not GET an FAQ for a good long while, if at all...

Wow, I did not expect them to rule BCC as stacking, unofficially at least.

We also may have to redefine our definition of "unofficially".

Since Michael is the only person at FFG answering Questions

We may not GET an FAQ for a good long while, if at all...

No, we have a definitive of official per the Tournament Regulations on page 6:

"Official rule documents include all rules documents available on the Star Wars: Armada page of our website, those found in a Star Wars: Armada product, or any portion thereof."

This means everything else is unofficial.

While he may be the producer, his emails are not officially blessed and sanctioned by FFG in a tournament setting. As such, we still need an FAQ before worlds to give the final verdict on these new card interactions.

Edited by Undeadguy

Do not expect everything to make it into the FAQ.

Yeah, this is as official as it gets until a FAQ pops.

Wow, I did not expect them to rule BCC as stacking, unofficially at least.

We also may have to redefine our definition of "unofficially".

Since Michael is the only person at FFG answering Questions

We may not GET an FAQ for a good long while, if at all...

No, we have a definitive of official per the Tournament Regulations on page 6:

"Official rule documents include all rules documents available on the Star Wars: Armada page of our website, those found in a Star Wars: Armada product, or any portion thereof."

This means everything else is unofficial.

While he may be the producer, his emails are not officially blessed and sanctioned by FFG in a tournament setting. As such, we still need an FAQ before worlds to give the final verdict on these new card interactions.

Technically this is not official... But if the FAQ isn't out by Worlds the judges, I'm sure, will still rule in accordance with the emails.

My jury is out on BCC stacking. Initial intent was obviously to stack, but the guys at the GC seem really sure that the devs are changing their tune. We'll see.

G-8 can probably affect ET.

My money is on default/XX-9 stacking, otherwise that seems like it senselessly hurts a crit upgrade that few people take as it is.

so about BCC stacking ...

Posting for Terry since he forwarded it my way :

In response to your question:

For multiple identical effects with the "When" or "While" keyword, does the effects for the two (or more) cards stack their effects? For example, if a ship has two Damaged Controls critical cards with "When" keywords, would it suffer only one additional damage, or two from each crit card from an overlap. And a follow on: Would multiple Bomber Command Centers with their "While" keyword be able to stack effects to modify the same attack by a squadron. Which brings to mind an addendum question: What is the definition of "the event" that is mentioned in the Effects Timing section of the rules?

Identical effects from multiple copies of the same card can be resolved for the same specified event. An effect from a single card is not resolved multiple times for that event.

So, if a ship has two (or more) faceup Damaged Controls cards, those effects have the same timing and the specified event is "when you overlap a ship or obstacle". Those cards’ effects are resolved one at a time, as the player controlling the ship chooses.

Your example with multiple Bomber Command Centers is similar. The specified event is "while a friendly squadron with bomber at distance 1–5 is attacking a ship". The attacking squadron can resolve the effect of each Bomber Command during the Modify Dice step, as it chooses.

Thanks for your question!

Michael Gernes

Game Producer

Those that like to fly X-Wings suddenly become very happy ...

Thanks man, you two (and Randy) really had me second-guessing myself.

I'm learning to trust absolutely no source of information, no matter how direct, until official word comes out, lol.

Many thanks to those who have posted their emails received from FFG. I'd like to politely remind the community that this thread is meant to be a reference repository and not intended for discussions. You're mucking it up. So, in the classic librarian manner, "SHHHHHHH, take your conversations elsewhere." ;-)



I got this one just the other day... a TINY BIT LATE :ph34r:

Hello Bjørn,
In response to your question:
Rules Question:
Fire-control Team If I have XX-9 turbos, can I resolve both the default crit and the XX-9 effect? Or rather, I can, but what is the outcome? Two face-up cards, or three? What is the verdict here? Regards, Bjørn
In the situation you describe you can resolve the standard crit effect in addition to the XX-9 effect, but the first 2 damage cards dealt to the defender are dealt faceup whether both the XX-9 critical effect and the standard critical effect are resolved or only the XX-9 critical effect.
Thanks for your patience on this question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

Also a bit late...

Hello Bjørn,

In response to your question:
G-8s Could you take the time to properly explain the timing of this card? It is causing quite the controversy on the forums - along with Jamming Fields it's probably the most debated effect. Regards, Bjørn
Thanks for your patience on this question! At the time you asked it, we received many similar questions so we focused on clarifying this card in the FAQ. In case you have not had a chance to read it:
"Before the Determine Course step” means immediately before. The activated ship then resolves all parts of Determine Course, including adjusting the maneuver tool and resolving the Nav command to adjust speed or Yaw.
If you are also referring to resolving this effect on a ship executing a maneuver from an effect such as Engine Techs, this effect is resolved before the determine course step of that maneuver.
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

My Oldest, Unanswered Question.

TL:DR = You can Hyperspace assault only Squadrons. Even if they're TIE Fighters.

Hello, Paul,
In response to your followup question:
The Hyperspace Assault objective states that you must place a Small or Medium Ship and Up to 3 Squadrons into the Hyperspace Assault.

If your fleet consists of only Large Ships and Squadrons, are you allowed to place only the 3 Squadrons into Hyperspace assault, or am I invalidating the objective by taking it without a small or medium ship in my list?
You can still take this objective as part of your fleet building if you do not have any small or medium ships. Obviously, this reduces the benefit of the card, but the set-aside squadrons are deployed at distance 1 of 1 objective token, whether a ship is deployed or not.
Thanks for your patience!
Hello Dorian,
In response to your question:
My problem with understanding is in FIRE CONTROL TEAM card. How does it work in situation with ASSAULT PROTON TORPEDOES. Does it allow me to do another criticall hit on enemy ship without touching shields?
In the situation you describe you can resolve both Assault Proton Torpedoes and one other crit effect (including the standard crit effect) in either order. However, each crit effect is resolved separately. So, if the defending hull zone has no shields remaining after you resolve Assault Proton Torpedoes and the defender is dealt any damage cards as part of suffering damage, the standard crit effect causes the first card to be dealt faceup.
Thanks for your question!
Michael Gernes
Game Producer

If they're spending time replying to e-mails now, it probably means they just finished doing whatever important thing was on their plate. Like, I don't know, drafting a new FAQ update?

Historically, the faq release has been immediately preceded by a rush of email answers... whether because they have time to review rules and questions now, or because they forebear to answer until the whole FAQ is done and it's just pending editing, formatting, etc.