Hi, just got this game but I am having trouble understanding how the 'spawn odious grump' works. Does he come out onto the board and attack, staying there until he's defeated, or does he show up, inflict, and leave until he's spawned again or you roll a nemesis symbol? The instructions are frustrating to say the least.
Edited by MonarchymanHow does the nemesis work?
Spawning an nemesis works the same as spawning any other enemy. They're placed in the engage zone of the a certain character (the active character if it happens during a characters activation or starting at the party leader and rotating otherwise (as is the case here)) unless that zone is full in which case they're moved to the shadows and deal damage equal to their attack to that character.
Do they stay there and attack next turn, or do they disappear back to their lair? Or do they go back to the lair once you defeat them, to come back out once you hit a spawn point in the peril track again?
The instructions for FFG are not written very well, though I LOVE thier games.
They don't despawn. Grump only has multiple spawn points because he gets returned to his lair if he gets defeated in that mission.
And on that note heres a spoiler to think about:
Once Odius Gump spawns, it takes a while to defeat him only for him to then have another spawn point later, so you can tie yourself up trying to get rid of him and wasting time because he pops back up. Ive found its better to accept his presence and combat the other smaller monsters while effectively running away from Gump until the final confrontation where you can have a go at him
Thats my thoughts on how I found Gumps spawning, but dont click the spoiler if you dont want any tactic hints (not that I am a good player anyway though lol)
Awesome, thanks so much!
On the other hand, defeating Grump nets you 4 progress and one enemy less (for a while). 4 progress is usually about a half of the location progress needed. When there are enemies who return to the Shadows, or someone returns them there, it may be actually more useful.
On the other hand, defeating Grump nets you 4 progress and one enemy less (for a while). 4 progress is usually about a half of the location progress needed. When there are enemies who return to the Shadows, or someone returns them there, it may be actually more useful.
Yes excellent point there
its nice to see differing tactics working within the scenarios rather than a single win-method. Great