What should I buy?

By reidchapman, in Runewars

My dad and I are going to pick up two games for boxing day, one of them is going to be Warhammer fantasy roleplay and the other I'm wondering if we should:

1. Get chaos in the old world.

2. Wait and get runewars.

Can you guys help me decide?

I'd vote for waiting on Runewars, but that's just my opinion. I suppose it depends on what kind of game you prefer to play, since CitOW isn't really the same gameplay as RW will be at all (from what I know.)

Runewars won't be out so you're stuck with Chaos in the Old World... which is a fabulous game anyway.

reidchapman said:

My dad and I are going to pick up two games for boxing day, one of them is going to be Warhammer fantasy roleplay and the other I'm wondering if we should:

1. Get chaos in the old world.

2. Wait and get runewars.

Can you guys help me decide?

do game stores even have boxing day sales? seem like a pointless date to target

I have CitOW & pre ordered RW, & as mentioned they really are two very different playing games.So get both gran_risa.gif Seriously check out the CitOW Rules & the info we have on RW to see which type of play appeals to you most.You should also consider how many players you can bring to the table.CitOW is a great game with 4 players,not so much with 3 & well rather sucks with 2 so if you don't have 4 people to play this with you might want to consider RW by default.

Ok I know RW is from 2-4 players but it seems that a 2players game should work out OK & not be a lesser version of the 4 Player Game,thats based on my reading of the RW system thats been given so far.Hopefully the full RW rules will be up by Boxing Day & give you some more background for a decision.


I think old dwarfs convinced me to get rune wars, I play a couple of games with my friends/brother/brother's friends, but most of the time I just play stuff with my dad and CITOW isn't made for 2 players. And I don't know about you guys but my hobby shop has boxing day.