Two AGoT games announced in such a short time?
Anyhoo, is it me or the art for this one is really terrible?
Two AGoT games announced in such a short time?
Anyhoo, is it me or the art for this one is really terrible?
I think it's meant to be light-hearted... so more like Castle Crashers artwork!
Or Zelda: Wind Waker. I like it.
It's terrible
Asmodee appears to want a quick cash-in with FFG's licenses.
Asmodee appears to want a quick cash-in with FFG's licenses.
Oh you mean you're not excited about a Darth Vader vs Kylo Ren dice CCG and a Hobbits-Race-to-Mount-Doom themed dice game?
I think they are making quite a few "light games" these times. Idon't know if it is to "please" to Asmodee but let's see where we get with this one. I'm more excited by Star Wars Destiny and not so much in the "Hype" of GoT than I was some years ago... but if it is a good small one, why not :-)
Two AGoT games announced in such a short time?
This gives me hope we might still get a arkham horror LCG (this year)!
Ugh what webcomic did they get the illustrations from?
Asmodee appears to want a quick cash-in with FFG's licenses.
Oh you mean you're not excited about a Darth Vader vs Kylo Ren dice CCG and a Hobbits-Race-to-Mount-Doom themed dice game?
Yes on Destiny, but not so much on the hobbits. I like the fact that they are custom dice (lord, I hate games with regular dice!) but Ehh It's not doing it for me.
And I can't play as Fatty Bolger.
I'm sorry, but any sentence that states "I prefer TV series" in regards to Game of Thrones instantly loses credibility for me. Especially in regards to Ramsay, who was made into so much of a comic book archetypal villain. To each their own, I just can't think of a single thing the show has improved upon, IMO.
Great! THIS is the game that finally has Boltons in it? srsly? Well played FFG... well played.
Also that's book-Ramsay. I prefer Tvseries-Ramsay.
I'm sorry, but any sentence that states "I prefer TV series" in regards to Game of Thrones instantly loses credibility for me. Especially in regards to Ramsay, who was made into so much of a comic book archetypal villain. To each their own, I just can't think of a single thing the show has improved upon, IMO.
The banners for one. They ditched the pink cloaks and got a cool "Union jack" flag instead.
Personal prefernces I know, but so much beter..
Also this:
Going up against the iron born in just a pair of pants... guy has balls.
The weird part is I could possibkly cosplay as book-Ramsay.
Edited by Robin GravesThe weird part is I could possibkly cosplay as book-Ramsay.
Next Cosplay Con around, go for it
Anything I think this looks pretty interesting and I don't mind a lighter game, I really don't need more 4-6+ hours games, and I find the drawings to be rather fun actually, so no problem with me. And in all honestly I am rather happy they are, seemingly, taking their own view of the looks of the different characters as opposed to just give us the TV looks again.
I'll probably buy it, depending on the price and all, of course.
And one more thing: You can never, never, never, never and never get enough of A Song of Ice and Fire.
The weird part is I could possibkly cosplay as book-Ramsay.
Remember me to send you some apples
Actually, my godchild starts to look more and more like Aria Stark, down to the sword fighting. (She takes fencing lessons.)
So maybe I should let my beard grow a bit, put on some make-up to look burned and then we can cosplay as Aria and the hound.
(That's if her dad lets us)
Two AGoT games announced in such a short time?
This gives me hope we might still get a arkham horror LCG (this year)!
Called it!
I really like the artwork. We already have nicely painted art and series stills on the other GoT games, so this is a nice change for a lighter, whimsical-style game. I don't get the hate, since at least FFG didn't simply reuse that stuff. And it looks fun, like most Cathala games do. If it's not your thing then don't buy it. Jeez.
Ahoi! Тхе Мичо here-author of the drawings
Ill try to explain my story.Im a fan of ASOIAF...and i did start to draw illustrations (they are more portraits) just for fun of it. I start drawing them in the style that i imagined-some sort of animated style-being a big fan of the subject (and yeah-i love Samurai JAck).So nothing serious,more like loosing up between two jobs.Than the people start to like the stuff and i start adding more and more of the drawings-so this is again me drawing as i like for a people liking the stuff they see
.Than FFG got in and ask if thay can use them for game and afcorse i was more than happy to accept being fan of the subject.My only concern was if i should remove drawings from my page - and from the wiki pages (becose in shortage of images they are using most of my fanart stuff).And after all-i did kind of draw them all becose one group of people liked them.FFG games were and are awesome in that field.
I really understand you all concerning art style-so no hard fellings there-heck i was suprised too-everybody has taste and likings so i really really support you all on that field.I personaly would really like to see more Justin Sweet,Adrian SMith,Kormack,BIsley etc...becose i do love their work.But i really love the games that tend to go in more caricatural and cartoony art style.And comics and illustrations
You can see more of ASOIAF stuff on my page and again,comments and critics are allways more than welcomed.And BIG thx for FFG and Bruno for the oportunity.
This looks like a reskin of Comrad Koba.
I think the artwork looks great. Not all games have to be gritty or realistic. I also like that they're going with character appearance from the books, also names (yay for Asha and not "Yara").
It might be a lighter game but Bruno Cathala as designer sparks my interest.
I like that artwork! It's funny.
And I thought Journey to Mordor was bad...
Artwork I get, its obviously meant for a lighter game, and establishes that brilliantly. But the gameplay...
Edited by ToenailAnd I thought Journey to Mordor was bad...
Artwork I get, its obviously meant for a lighter game, and establishes that brilliantly. But the gameplay...
There's gameplay? I ran face first straight into that artwork and it still hurts.