SW: Destiny is designed as an Disney/Asmodee/FFG gateway to other tabletop products

By jonboyjon1990, in Star Wars: Destiny

Whether you think this is a cash grab or not, whether you hate/love the Collectible model, it seems to me that this entire game exists for 2 broad reasons:

1) Someone at Disney/Asmodee/FFG saw a gap in the market, for a cheap and accessible 'Star Wars Dicemasters' game
2) Someone at Disney/Asmodee/FFG wanted to get their gaming products into mass market stores in order to increase their presence and to potentially act as a gateway/route to the other SW tabletop products

Whilst this game will see a lot of its sales and play in 'proper' FLGS, I imagine it'll see a lot of sales in Walmarts, Targets, Tescos etc - and that's why it's collectible.

You start with 3 SKUs, rather than 1 for a core set, and 6 for a 'cycle' of packs. And then 6 more every cycle...

FFG will probably do 2 sets a year - but that's only 2 SKUs.

There's no doubt that all of the other FFG Star Wars games will see an increase in sales due to this game.

Does Magic increase other WotC sales? Nope.

Destiny isn't aimed at the same people as the LCGs: a large element of the LCG's popularity is that it's not a CCG.

Does Magic increase other WotC sales? Nope.

Destiny isn't aimed at the same people as the LCGs: a large element of the LCG's popularity is that it's not a CCG.

Arguably it does directly increase Arena of the Planeswalkers and Magic Online consumer sales, but I admit these are corner cases. What it does however, is make retail outlets that are already buying Magic from WotC because they want to, you know, pay the bills and eat, consider getting other WotC product lines into their store at the same time, since it's convenient and cheaper to get new product without the need to set up everything with an all new distributor.

Does Magic increase other WotC sales? Nope.

Destiny isn't aimed at the same people as the LCGs: a large element of the LCG's popularity is that it's not a CCG.

Destiny will sell quite a ton in mass market stores - exposing an entire new market of players/gamers/customers to Star Wars gaming in general, tabletop in general and FFG. I'd be amazed if boosters didn't include at least 1 double-sided 'advertisement card' showcasing things like X-Wing/Armada/Imperial Assault etc.

You're telling NONE of the people picking up and playing Destiny won't eventually be interested in and tempted by those other product lines?

Does Magic increase other WotC sales? Nope.

Destiny isn't aimed at the same people as the LCGs: a large element of the LCG's popularity is that it's not a CCG.

Destiny will sell quite a ton in mass market stores - exposing an entire new market of players/gamers/customers to Star Wars gaming in general, tabletop in general and FFG. I'd be amazed if boosters didn't include at least 1 double-sided 'advertisement card' showcasing things like X-Wing/Armada/Imperial Assault etc.

You're telling NONE of the people picking up and playing Destiny won't eventually be interested in and tempted by those other product lines?

I'd expect an advert in the starters and maybe on the feed/display itself.

I mean heck, we get averts in the LCG/Imperial Assault boxes, the inner lip of big imperial assault expansions now has a side advertising each other FFG Star Wars game.

I expect Magic helps increase D&D sales (especially when they do those crossover sets that have Magic cards of things like "Goblin Thief" and what not) and I expect SWD will have ads for Imperial Assault and X-wing if nothing else. I mean, Target already sells X-wing around here (Charlotte NC) so why not?

I play X-Wing now because I got sucked into Imperial Assault first.