So I ordered Descent and I unveiled it to my friends today. There is one problem that has struck and if it is true it will probably just shelve this game for me and my friends. That problem is difficulty. It seems WAY too easy on the players' side. After only one death the party pretty much stabilized to a point where I could no longer deal damage to them except with traps in the overlord deck of which the point was pretty mute at the time. Just not being able to deal damage at all is just ridiculous but on the otherside, every single monster at my disposal was pretty much one shotted. The mage could one shot a master dragon.
So I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong here. I have a feeling I must have missed something in the rule book or maybe only the expansion has buffer creatures. I was playing with three heroes and I accidentally used the monsters for 4 player games and it was still ridiculously easy.