Why is everyone hating on this game?

By Devizz, in Star Wars: Destiny

Is Magic available at Tescoes*? Were the previous Star Wars CCGs ever at Walmart*?

I don't know what a tescoe is but magic/pokemon/yugioh and to a lesser extent dicemasters are available in most of the big box stores around me, including Walmart, Target, Toysrus. The Decipher Star Wars CCG and the WotC Star Wars TCG were both available in the big box stores at one time or another. These games were alittle before the big box stores got so big and boxy but I do remember getting Decipher SWCCG Premier starters and packs at ToysRUs and seeing the WotC Star Wars TCG starters at Walmart.

I have never seen dicemasters in a big box store.

I was in both a Target and Walmart yesterday, because of course Target didn't have one of the things I needed. Both had DM. Target had 3 different gravity feeds of different expansions on an end cap with a bunch if Heroclix, Walmart just had one with their CCG stuff.

Is Magic available at Tescoes*? Were the previous Star Wars CCGs ever at Walmart*?

I don't know what a tescoe is but magic/pokemon/yugioh and to a lesser extent dicemasters are available in most of the big box stores around me, including Walmart, Target, Toysrus. The Decipher Star Wars CCG and the WotC Star Wars TCG were both available in the big box stores at one time or another. These games were alittle before the big box stores got so big and boxy but I do remember getting Decipher SWCCG Premier starters and packs at ToysRUs and seeing the WotC Star Wars TCG starters at Walmart.

I have never seen dicemasters in a big box store.

in mine they are there with the baseball cards/magic cards in target and walmart. I suppose this could depend on the region you are in since if I recall correctly an independent contractor stocks the 'collectible' section and not target or walmart. I live out in the burbs though so it isn't like my big box stores are anything special.

if I recall correctly an independent contractor stocks the 'collectible' section and not target or walmart. I live out in the burbs though so it isn't like my big box stores are anything special.

Is Magic available at Tescoes*? Were the previous Star Wars CCGs ever at Walmart*?

I don't know what a tescoe is but magic/pokemon/yugioh and to a lesser extent dicemasters are available in most of the big box stores around me, including Walmart, Target, Toysrus. The Decipher Star Wars CCG and the WotC Star Wars TCG were both available in the big box stores at one time or another. These games were alittle before the big box stores got so big and boxy but I do remember getting Decipher SWCCG Premier starters and packs at ToysRUs and seeing the WotC Star Wars TCG starters at Walmart.

I have never seen dicemasters in a big box store.

in mine they are there with the baseball cards/magic cards in target and walmart. I suppose this could depend on the region you are in since if I recall correctly an independent contractor stocks the 'collectible' section and not target or walmart. I live out in the burbs though so it isn't like my big box stores are anything special.

Yes an independent Vender comes in and stocks the Collectable section. They rent the section out and then the company who rents out the place sends the boxes to the store and pays for a vender to come in to stock and manage the section. I used to do this for my job. I still work for the company, just in a different department now.

It's because it goes against everything FFG has ever stood up for. They see it as a threat (and it is, quite frankly) to the future of LCGs.

I'm sorry but I really don't see how Destiny is a threat to LCGs.

LCGs are aimed at gamers - sure they have FFG's usual slickness and ease of entry - but let's face it their target audience is primarily established gamers. As such the target market is FLGS. They are the kind of stores that can support the multiple SKUs of an LCG - ie 1 for a core, 6 for every cycle, plus the deluxe boxes. They're also the places that support and run events and help to build the community around the game.

Destiny is aimed towards the mass market crowd - this game is primarily aimed at your Walmarts, Targets, Tesco etc - and that's why it needs to be collectible - it's all about the SKUs. Those mass market stores will never stock LCG levels of SKUs. 'Awakenings' has at least 170 cards (and it's probably more around the 200 mark). With an LCG like model, or non random products - you're looking at tons of SKUs. With it being collectible, you've got 3 SKUs to start with, and depending on if they do the $15 dollar starters for each 'set' or only a booster box for each, you've got between 1-3 SKUs for each set.

Of course there will be overlap - gamers will play Destiny and FLGS will stock it, but muggles don't play LCGs and mass market stores don't stock them - they're different games with primarily different markets - therefore both can co-exist and neither threatens the other.

Well, really the issue is that FFG replaced, and I say replaced, their TCGs with LCGs. Now the TCG comes back. What's your first reaction going to be?

Well, really the issue is that FFG replaced, and I say replaced, their TCGs with LCGs. Now the TCG comes back. What's your first reaction going to be?

Hope they bring back CoC with the Original cardback, so I can use all my old cards again. :)

Now I doubt they gonna bring back the TCGs. Destiny is a CDG and a new one. If we are gonna see new collectable games, (and I think we will) I think it will be new ones.

I have fond memories of playing the Star Wars TCG in teh early 2000's. I'm pumped for this. I'm glad it has stuff from teh whole saga. This is gonna be my first FFG product, Can't wait to have Kenobi vs Kylo on Geonosis.

Bit of a nerco here but I guess it is not cool anymore to hate on Destiny? People seem to be a lot more positive about the game. I for one really dig it, can't wait to play it some more. ;)

The event I'm going to tonight is booked solid, with more players coming hoping for a waiting list.

I'm stoked and glad to see people opening their minds to it.