Why is everyone hating on this game?

By Devizz, in Star Wars: Destiny

Not sure why everyone hates on Destiny so much, if you don't like collectible card games just don't buy it and stick to LCG. I am an avid M:TG player and I for one like the collectible aspect of card games. Really looking forward to playing!

I don't think it's as bad that everybody is hatin' it. There's quite some back and for discussion going on between those in favor and those against it. And most of the "against" faction dont neccerily dislike the game, but they dislike that it's "collectable".

It's a vocal minority, everyone I've talked to is psyched, there are just some very vocal whiners on the forums.

Check out the facebook group and get in on the buzz.


Because it has blind-buy booster packs and apparently a lot of people still can't get over having to show on the doll where Magic touched them.

Because it has blind-buy booster packs and apparently a lot of people still can't get over having to show on the doll where Magic touched them.

Did you ever have friends or fellow players get all supersticous about opening boosters?

Because the vocal majority are negative. Most of the people who are being negative are the people on this forum for whom a "Collectable" game doesn't interest them. Take that and mix it with Star Wars (Hey people we have Prequels!!! And most likely no Legends!!!) and you have a storm. I played all 3 major TCGs and some other ones here and there and while I had my problems *Cough Yugioh*, I enjoyed the community that they provided (Pokemon) and the many different formats (Magic). Most of the people whom I have talked to outside of this forum have been positive and there are people who are interested in this game who currently r not playing the other Star Wars game so it's doing something right.

People are reeling from the fact that FFG haven't done a collectible game in 9 years and now suddenly...This!

Also the art/colors/packaging/general marketing of the game does look a bit cynical/cash-grabby - but that's because it's aimed primarily at the mass-market crowd.

That's fundamentally the reason for the collectible nature - it allows FFG to release the game with only 3 SKUs to start with and then presumably 1 per set? (or max 3, if each set has 2 starters and 1 booster).

Whether you think it's cynical or a cash-grab, whether you like the collectible element or not, I fully trust FFG to make it a decent to amazing game - as with all their other stuff.

Edited by jonboyjon1990

Not sure why everyone hates on Destiny so much, if you don't like collectible card games just don't buy it and stick to LCG. I am an avid M:TG player and I for one like the collectible aspect of card games. Really looking forward to playing!

I don't think the game is getting hate. The collectible aspect does tho.

I for one was an avid Magic player. I still own a cube, a modern deck and a commander deck. But thats it and i don't buy any more Magic product because it got way too expensive.

Speculator driving prices for singles and most tournament cards are now in the rare and mythic slots.

I really want this game to be good and i am super interested in the game but i will most likely never play it.

Also the art/colors/packaging/general marketing of the game does look a bit cynical/cash-grabby - but that's because it's aimed primarily at the mass-market crowd.

See, this is the part I don't get. What is the particular part of the artwork (which, barring the prequel and TFA characters for obvious reasons, is the same exact images that go onto any FFG Star Wars product), colors (which are all pretty stock standard, last time I checked the RGB spectrum was still 'in'), packaging (which is 100% industry standard cardboard and foil) or general marketing (which at this point amounts to one entry on a webpage saying "Hey guys, just so you know, we're doing this game") is cynical, evil, cash grabby, exploitive, moustache-twirling, shameful, dirty, disingenous or warrants any other negative adjective bandied about on these boards?

I don't like lobster. I just don't like the taste of seafood. But when someone at a restaurant orders a lobster and it looks pretty decent for a lobster, I'm adult enough to put on my big boy pants, smile and say "Have fun eating the lobster that you like mate" or "That chef sure knows how to cook a lobster". What I don't do is go around the entire restaurant preaching how the chef is terrible human being and the management should be ashamed of itself for offering lobster to people when chicken is clearly and obviously superior.

I wish people would grow up, but then again, this is the internet.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

Also the art/colors/packaging/general marketing of the game does look a bit cynical/cash-grabby - but that's because it's aimed primarily at the mass-market crowd.

packaging (which is 100% industry standard cardboard and foil)

I hope they thoroughly test the packaging. Packing dice masters card and dice in the foil packs the cards often get bent and knicked. This isn't a problem there since there is no randomized shuffled deck to draw from. Here it could be a problem with bent cards.

I'm sure FFG will figure out a good solution to this I just hope it's something they look at before distributing the first models.

I'm pretty hyped about this game - especially now that I've seen the Millennium Falcon and a few other cards and how they work. I like the depth implied by Event cards and Support cards.

I'm curious how useful Captain Phasma's ability will be, though. So far I don't see a lot of non-unique characters. Also, do you only get to start with two characters? Is there a way to play more characters as "Support" cards? Otherwise, I see Phasma only boosting one other First Order Trooper (or other Villain trooper) for the whole game. Seems less powerful than someone like Finn, eh?

I'm pretty hyped about this game - especially now that I've seen the Millennium Falcon and a few other cards and how they work. I like the depth implied by Event cards and Support cards.

I'm curious how useful Captain Phasma's ability will be, though. So far I don't see a lot of non-unique characters. Also, do you only get to start with two characters? Is there a way to play more characters as "Support" cards? Otherwise, I see Phasma only boosting one other First Order Trooper (or other Villain trooper) for the whole game. Seems less powerful than someone like Finn, eh?

Good question. From what I've read so far, it does look like you only get 2 characters and no Support cards are considered characters. It seems to me that characters never have a resource cost in the upper left corner, meaning you can't put them in your deck because there is no way to play them. But that's just a guess.

So it seems Phasma is a little on the weak side, unless there are formats where you can have more characters.

I'm pretty hyped about this game - especially now that I've seen the Millennium Falcon and a few other cards and how they work. I like the depth implied by Event cards and Support cards.

I'm curious how useful Captain Phasma's ability will be, though. So far I don't see a lot of non-unique characters. Also, do you only get to start with two characters? Is there a way to play more characters as "Support" cards? Otherwise, I see Phasma only boosting one other First Order Trooper (or other Villain trooper) for the whole game. Seems less powerful than someone like Finn, eh?

Good question. From what I've read so far, it does look like you only get 2 characters and no Support cards are considered characters. It seems to me that characters never have a resource cost in the upper left corner, meaning you can't put them in your deck because there is no way to play them. But that's just a guess.

We don't know the deckbuilding rules aside from the little blurb about point values. It's quite possible Phasma + 2-3 troopers will be a build you can make.

Prequels+Collectible=Mass Hysteria.

Ultimately at this point we don't know much about the game, so there isn't much to rationally discuss. Thus the conversations are being dominated by the irrational assertions from a few posters.

We hate because we care.

It's because it goes against everything FFG has ever stood up for. They see it as a threat (and it is, quite frankly) to the future of LCGs. Plus TCGs are just worse, and so people are mad about what could be a decent game being ruined by a bad format.

Also the art/colors/packaging/general marketing of the game does look a bit cynical/cash-grabby - but that's because it's aimed primarily at the mass-market crowd.

See, this is the part I don't get. What is the particular part of the artwork (which, barring the prequel and TFA characters for obvious reasons, is the same exact images that go onto any FFG Star Wars product), colors (which are all pretty stock standard, last time I checked the RGB spectrum was still 'in'), packaging (which is 100% industry standard cardboard and foil) or general marketing (which at this point amounts to one entry on a webpage saying "Hey guys, just so you know, we're doing this game") is cynical, evil, cash grabby, exploitive, moustache-twirling, shameful, dirty, disingenous or warrants any other negative adjective bandied about on these boards?

I don't like lobster. I just don't like the taste of seafood. But when someone at a restaurant orders a lobster and it looks pretty decent for a lobster, I'm adult enough to put on my big boy pants, smile and say "Have fun eating the lobster that you like mate" or "That chef sure knows how to cook a lobster". What I don't do is go around the entire restaurant preaching how the chef is terrible human being and the management should be ashamed of itself for offering lobster to people when chicken is clearly and obviously superior.

I wish people would grow up, but then again, this is the internet.

Your analogy is a little off though. See, you don't know whether or not you like lobster. Nobody has ever eaten this particular species of critter. Therefore I find people claiming it to taste "AMAZING" to be just as suspect as those that are telling me it is terrible. All I know for sure, is the chef here is very good at making a variety of dishes... and now I'm really hungry. Pass the butter.

It's because it goes against everything FFG has ever stood up for. They see it as a threat (and it is, quite frankly) to the future of LCGs. Plus TCGs are just worse, and so people are mad about what could be a decent game being ruined by a bad format.

More like, everything that they built up in their head that FFG stood for.

It's because it goes against everything FFG has ever stood up for. They see it as a threat (and it is, quite frankly) to the future of LCGs. Plus TCGs are just worse, and so people are mad about what could be a decent game being ruined by a bad format.

FFG has made a CCG before. Where are you getting this moral stand from?

It's because it goes against everything FFG has ever stood up for. They see it as a threat (and it is, quite frankly) to the future of LCGs.

I'm sorry but I really don't see how Destiny is a threat to LCGs.

LCGs are aimed at gamers - sure they have FFG's usual slickness and ease of entry - but let's face it their target audience is primarily established gamers. As such the target market is FLGS. They are the kind of stores that can support the multiple SKUs of an LCG - ie 1 for a core, 6 for every cycle, plus the deluxe boxes. They're also the places that support and run events and help to build the community around the game.

Destiny is aimed towards the mass market crowd - this game is primarily aimed at your Walmarts, Targets, Tesco etc - and that's why it needs to be collectible - it's all about the SKUs. Those mass market stores will never stock LCG levels of SKUs. 'Awakenings' has at least 170 cards (and it's probably more around the 200 mark). With an LCG like model, or non random products - you're looking at tons of SKUs. With it being collectible, you've got 3 SKUs to start with, and depending on if they do the $15 dollar starters for each 'set' or only a booster box for each, you've got between 1-3 SKUs for each set.

Of course there will be overlap - gamers will play Destiny and FLGS will stock it, but muggles don't play LCGs and mass market stores don't stock them - they're different games with primarily different markets - therefore both can co-exist and neither threatens the other.

Destiny is aimed towards the mass market crowd - this game is primarily aimed at your Walmarts, Targets, Tesco etc

This is the part I don't get. Why are people assuming Destiny is 100% aimed at mass market/regular people/non-gamers/little Jimmy/muggles/filthy casuals and will go into big-box stores. Where in the announcement does it say that? Do we know for a fact Target is already taking preorders for Destiny booster boxes? Is Magic available at Tescoes*? Were the previous Star Wars CCGs ever at Walmart*?

*I'm down here in the Old World, so I genuinely don't know.

Edited by Don_Silvarro

I personally would love if this game will be available everywhere, the more, the better!

Destiny is aimed towards the mass market crowd - this game is primarily aimed at your Walmarts, Targets, Tesco etc

This is the part I don't get. Why are people assuming Destiny is 100% aimed at mass market/regular people/non-gamers/little Jimmy/muggles/filthy casuals and will go into big-box stores. Where in the announcement does it say that? Do we know for a fact Target is already taking preorders for Destiny booster boxes? Is Magic available at Tescoes*? Were the previous Star Wars CCGs ever at Walmart*?

*I'm down here in the Old World, so I genuinely don't know.

It is one of Asmodee's stated goals.

Destiny is aimed towards the mass market crowd - this game is primarily aimed at your Walmarts, Targets, Tesco etc

This is the part I don't get. Why are people assuming Destiny is 100% aimed at mass market/regular people/non-gamers/little Jimmy/muggles/filthy casuals and will go into big-box stores. Where in the announcement does it say that? Do we know for a fact Target is already taking preorders for Destiny booster boxes? Is Magic available at Tescoes*? Were the previous Star Wars CCGs ever at Walmart*?

*I'm down here in the Old World, so I genuinely don't know.

It's a growing trend, expect to see more of that in the future...

GW is working on that (they are old world) with "paint and play" box sets with colored plastic so you don't need to basecoat.

As boardgaming has become more popular toy stores stock more "specialised" board games than the usual monoploly, stratego, scrabble, stuff.

We're alredy seeing Target exclusive boardgames! Tom Vassel mentioned it on boardgame breakfast . (5 minutes in the video)

And star wars is big, why not have your game in the big stores?

Is Magic available at Tescoes*? Were the previous Star Wars CCGs ever at Walmart*?

I don't know what a tescoe is but magic/pokemon/yugioh and to a lesser extent dicemasters are available in most of the big box stores around me, including Walmart, Target, Toysrus. The Decipher Star Wars CCG and the WotC Star Wars TCG were both available in the big box stores at one time or another. These games were alittle before the big box stores got so big and boxy but I do remember getting Decipher SWCCG Premier starters and packs at ToysRUs and seeing the WotC Star Wars TCG starters at Walmart.