Obviously they'll have the T-70s, new TIES, and probably Finalizer but I was wondering what else it had.
What new gears, ships and vehicles are in the set?
Actually, they don't include any vehicle profiles at all. There are adversaries, though, so you'll be have access to FO stormtrooper profiles and resistance fighter profiles.
If they did post stats on the updated X-wing and single seat TIE, I would imagine they might be exactly as the originals or very, very close? This game's stats don't allow for much fine differentiation except perhaps with HT and SS? If they don't have new stats those we already have would easily work.
I would really like to see the 2-seat recon TIE though.
If they did post stats on the updated X-wing and single seat TIE, I would imagine they might be exactly as the originals or very, very close? This game's stats don't allow for much fine differentiation except perhaps with HT and SS? If they don't have new stats those we already have would easily work.
I would really like to see the 2-seat recon TIE though.
The standard TIE/FO has a turret-mounted blaster cannon which is operated by a gunner rather than being a traditional one-pilot TIE/LN from the days of the Galactic Civil War. It also has limited deflector shields, which didn't exist on TIE/LN's, and it's probably safe to assume it has a low-grade hyperdrive since FN-2187 planned to use a TIE/FO to escape from the Finalizer instead of stealing an Upsilon-class shuttle (which definitely would have had a hyperdrive). It was Poe that planned to rescue BB-8, but nothing was mentioned about needing another ship after they recovered the droid from Jakku. Possible that FN-2187 just wasn't terribly familiar with the capabilities of a TIE/FO. The TIE/FO also seems to have an upgraded comms array. Oh, and they definitely offer life support as FN-2187 and Poe both didn't have helmets on while riding in the TIE/FO and it was previously established that TIE/LNs did not offer life support as a means of cutting production costs. (Though that last one might be debatable with retcons from Star Wars: Rebels... I'll need to go back and watch the episode where
they use the hijacked TIE/LN to help them hijack a carrier craft
The T-70 X-wing isn't much of an improvement over the older T-65b; it's still considered a hand-me-down ship during the events of The Force Awakens. Notably, it, too, has a turret-mounted blaster cannon in its port ventral wing (possibly more) giving it a 360' firing arc. Although it's possible that was just Poe's X-wing at the beginning of the movie, it's important to note that the X-wing with the cannon was not Poe's trademark black and orange X-wing. It was a standard blue and white model like the other Resistance pilots are flying. Probably safe to say they've all got that little bonus gun. Its droid socket is also upgraded to handle BB units, although there's no hard and fast rules for needing an upgraded droid socket for that kind of thing. Compelling arguments could be made for an increase in system strain, and possibly slightly better critical hit chance (better targeting systems, better s-foil-mounted laser cannons, etc.).
The best comparison for rules is going to be the X-wing miniatures game, which offers both versions of both vehicles. The X-wing miniatures game does not give the turret-mounted blasters to either fighter, however, probably for the purposes of balancing the game for beginners (the TFA starter set comes with a T-70 and two TIE/FOs).
Actually, Poe and Finn stole a TIE/sf, not a TIE/fo. The TIE/fo is much the updated version of the TIE/LN, only having shields. The TIE/sf is equipped with the second crewman, the turret, shields, and a hyperdrive. I believe the upcoming TIE/sf X-wing figure has a second firing arc to represent the turret.
And don't know, however, if we can say anything in the box is going to "obviously" be there. Seems like most people were a bit surprised by the adversary listing, but will they actually pack a bunch of ships in there? There will be a sequel adventure, so maybe that will have some more things.
Great bad enough all the Resistance Starfighters in the movie were updated X-Wings rather then anything original now the beginner box doesn't even include stats for any ships. What's the point of including pilot npcs in a beginner box and not including anything for them to pilot?
Doesn't it cost more than the other Beginner box sets?
So are we paying for its link to the movie rather than anything that merits it being worth more?
Wait, does this mean these things are in the wild now?
Doesn't it cost more than the other Beginner box sets?
So are we paying for its link to the movie rather than anything that merits it being worth more?
Nope, according to the site, SRP of $29.95, same as the other three sets.
Wait, does this mean these things are in the wild now?
Some people have gotten early copies and have released unboxing videos like this one here .
Thanks for the update on the TIE fighters! I hadn't paid much attention to the numerous variants of First Order stuff so I assumed there was only the one.
Edit: After looking into the difference on Wookieepedia, it seems as though I was right about some of my suppositions. Most notably, that the TIE/sf carries a hyperdrive in addition to deflector shields.
Edited by dpick28Doesn't it cost more than the other Beginner box sets?
So are we paying for its link to the movie rather than anything that merits it being worth more?
No. We're paying for the updated and era-agnostic galaxy map.
We just happen to get a whole dice set, pre-made adventure and a "TFA CRB Lite" along with it.
Doesn't it cost more than the other Beginner box sets?
So are we paying for its link to the movie rather than anything that merits it being worth more?
No. We're paying for the updated and era-agnostic galaxy map.
We just happen to get a whole dice set, pre-made adventure and a "TFA CRB Lite " along with it.
Now that does make it sound much better!
Anyone seen what's on the back of that map?
Edit: Just had this
Edit: Just had this
Reverse side of the map is around 5:50 for those of you who don't want to watch the whole video