Anyone else notice this is really the first FFG Star Wars game to really utilize Prequel content, I mean we've had some stuff here and there in the RPG and a few ships and stuff in X-wing but this is the first to really try and use Prequel era characters. I wonder if this might mean that we might finally be seeing more Prequel focused releases from FFG, or if this is sort of its own thing?
Edited by AnimewarsdudeFirst of its kind
Yup and I'm excited. There is a lot they can do with the prequel era, and I'm looking forward to seeing what there would do if they choose to explore that era.
I've been fighting for this for so long, for all Star Wars fans to be treated equally, for ALL of Star Wars to be treated equally. SOO happy we are finally seeing Prequel trilogy and more Sequel trilogy stuff.
I do hope this means we see more Prequel love elsewhere, as like you said, it's noticeably absent from pretty much all of FFG's other Star Wars games.
I can't believe we haven't gotten any Old Republic content. or hell, Rebels.
Expanded Universe!
Vote Thrawn into next expansion!
He's already in the LCG. As is Rebels.
I can't believe we haven't gotten any Old Republic content. or hell, Rebels.
Rebels are in xwing.
We also have Kanan and the Inquisitor in the LCG with Sabine previewed
Expanded Universe!
Vote Thrawn into next expansion!
Luckily Thrawn is canon again now so he should have an even better chance of appearing in future FFG products.
Super excited to finally see prequel content. The gameplay will be interesting to see and something quick and light would be ok with me.