I want a coop cthulhu LCG!
I want a coop cthulhu LCG!
Edited by Toenail
There's your Cooperative game! And it's non-collectible
There's your Cooperative game! And it's non-collectible
There are plenty of cooperative games out there, I was referring specifically to a Star Wars cooperative game. This new LCG does nothing for me. If this was good enough for me, LotR would have been fine as well.
There's your Cooperative game! And it's non-collectible
It's fascinating how in mostly every forum I visit there's a reference to the AH LCG news. It's easier to find that link than a Pokemon in my garden
There's your Cooperative game! And it's non-collectible
It's fascinating how in mostly every forum I visit there's a reference to the AH LCG news. It's easier to find that link than a Pokemon in my garden
That's because the stars are right! The time has come! Ia ia cthulhu ftagn!
Party time!
There's your Cooperative game! And it's non-collectible
It's fascinating how in mostly every forum I visit there's a reference to the AH LCG news. It's easier to find that link than a Pokemon in my garden
That's because the stars are right! The time has come! Ia ia cthulhu ftagn!
Party time!
You filthy Insmouth scum! I bet you even have the "Insmouth look."
This thread is so totally derailing... but we're derailing it in a coop way, so the OP may be happy nonetheless...
This thread is so totally derailing... but we're derailing it in a coop way, so the OP may be happy nonetheless...
Derail away! At least it keeps the topic visible.
Aye, the question has been answered: Our co-op is here! Praise Cthulhu!
To bad FFG doesn't let us change our titles anymore, otherwise I'd pick " Derailer of threads"
Edited by Robin GravesAye, the question has been answered: Our co-op is here! Praise Cthulhu!
To bad FFG doesn't let us change our titles anymore, otherwise I'd pick " Derailer of threads"
I woul not consider a co-op Chuthlu game as answering the plea for a co-op Star Wars game. I mean, we already had Elder Sign and Arkham Horror. Now we're getting a new LCG and Mansions of Madness that are both cooperative. That's 4 games, let alone games like X-COM, Rune Age, Warhammer Quest: The Aeventure Card Game, The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, and tThe Lord of the Rings board game. No, we have no shortage of cooperative games. What we are missing is a STAR WARS cooperative game!
I mean, there's plenty of things from amongst the stars involved!
If after Destiny FFG does another game, odds are I will be excited for it and what to give it a try.
A co-op game along the lines of "steal the death star plans" may well be in the short term plans all things considered.
Arkham does it better for me than Star Wars, but still would prefer a Runebound one, or an Android one. That would be so cool.
Well, with the announcement of the Imperial Assault companion app, it seems we may finally be getting our cooperative game! Hooray! I have the core set and all the miniatures painted, so I am READY!