Marius Gaius promo

By Worker_X, in UFS General Discussion

Has the Marius Gaius promo been released yet? If not, when will it be released?

Yes it was Released last Month is the local Prize Support.

yes he is released

He is indeed released...and he's tricky to build, imo. He looks like he'd be very fun, but maybe a bit too complex for competitive play. Although, he does share some awesome support with Mitsu and Paul. Hmm...Mist Stance + Quick Strike + generic high attack w/Stun + Toughest in the Universe + Character ability seem pretty good to me...

Things that make you go...hmmmm....

thing is as a 6HSer he may not be able to get enough attacks and actions in his hand to make him worthwhile

At least not at the speed this game is played now. He is IMO too slow for todays meta, but as more sets are released and the game slows down (or atleast gets more balanced away from aggro) he may be able to step up a bit.

I guess that means I missed out out him. Off to eBay and the trading forum. What would be a reasonable price for him?

Worker_X said:

I guess that means I missed out out him. Off to eBay and the trading forum. What would be a reasonable price for him?

Did you guys not get your standard prize for last month?

and not too much im sure someone on the trade forums would be willing to trade one....if you want to send me a pm ive got one for trade i believe

I don't think he's worth too much since he was mass-released in prize support?

I think Fire's about his only viable symbol. Gives you access to draw, redux, and some really good actions. I feel his biggest let-down is simply that by the time you clog your card pool with actions you can really only play one to two attacks more. Granted that's where Communing with the Ancients comes into play (or Genius Alchemist/Brazilian Beauty in All), but that's besides the point.

Worker_X said:

I guess that means I missed out out him. Off to eBay and the trading forum. What would be a reasonable price for him?

Hey man, I'm in a trading frenzy right now, and would be more than happy to part with my copy of him, since he's not really my play-style. Do you have a trades list i can look at?

Marius is a beast. Slow, yes. But kicks ass.

Indeed. Fills up the card pool with actions then goes BOOM. And those actions he can use do a crap load of damage by themselves (love for Mist Stance, Berserker Rage, Base Hold and other so good stuff...)

Since there were no standard events in November, just the SCIV pre-release and the Store Championship, we did not receive any standard prize support.

As for trading, I am trying to get him for a friend, and unless someone is looking for White Cranes neither one of us has much to offer.

As a matter of fact, I AM looking for a White Crane. Hit me up on my email addy and let's work sumthin' out: [email protected]