A drinking RPG game sounds fun, do I have that right though? I find the game description incredibly painful to read so I'm not entirely sure what it's about, but I'm still curious
Well, I'll go out on a limb to say that most of my games are drinking games, but I haven't played one since Tales from the Floating Vagabond that was specifically geared towards it. Color me intrigued!
I wonder if this will come out before or after James Wallis' chronically overdue Kickstarter game Alas, Vegas
I felt reading and discerning the well written, if not artfully mastered, game description... was quite the complete opposite, if not an absolute antithesis, of pain or discomfort- and most unlike any uncomfortable feeling I could undoubtedly possibly imagine.
Lol that felt like it was written by deadpool, if deadpool was a 18t century nobleman...
Cor blimey tis appears to be another storytelling game rather than an rpg, me thinks!
Now I'm all for getting drunk,telling stupendoes tales in a stupid accent and trust to luck, but I'm not sure I need a book for that. (Written by some damned bosh aristo no less! Codswallop I say!)
Edited by Robin GravesThe description mentions three variants of three original story telling game, with this third edition including Cthulhu and Star Wars cross overs. Considering that I grew up with this man's stories and love the premise of this game, this is a must own!
I wonder if this will come out before or after James Wallis' chronically overdue Kickstarter game Alas, Vegas
A great question - particularly given his Kickstarter post to Alas, Vegas backers from late 2013:
"So thank you for indicating the path I should take, or at least telling me that I should back up a bit and try another route.
As part of that thank-you, I am going to create an exclusive expanded edition of Munchausen 3e available only to Alas Vegas backers, long before the general public get a chance to buy it. And that's not all; low-level backers will be offered this edition at a serious discount on the cover price, while higher-level backers will get it for free. Under the circumstances it's the least I can do."
Never heard of this blasted game before in mine life, or the odd gentile who seems to have some kind of a drinking problem... but sounds awfully entertaining wot. Those offspring of mine could enjoy a spot of this, they is always making up the most dastardly and outrageous of stories.
Seriously that was worth a laugh at least, obviously took some effort to write the article and although its hard to pull info out of its in there. 3 books (or 3 systems within one book); Classic, Adult and Simple. With what will probably be a bunch of scenarios or story seeds from right throughout pop culture.
I wonder if this will come out before or after James Wallis' chronically overdue Kickstarter game Alas, Vegas
A great question - particularly given his Kickstarter post to Alas, Vegas backers from late 2013:
"So thank you for indicating the path I should take, or at least telling me that I should back up a bit and try another route.
As part of that thank-you, I am going to create an exclusive expanded edition of Munchausen 3e available only to Alas Vegas backers, long before the general public get a chance to buy it. And that's not all; low-level backers will be offered this edition at a serious discount on the cover price, while higher-level backers will get it for free. Under the circumstances it's the least I can do."
The funny part is that I'm not even a backer any more. I called him a fraud and a thief in the kickstarter comments and the next day I had a refund waiting for me and was unable to post in the KS comments anymore.
I just got a little tired of a new excuse every couple of weeks as to why he hadn't gotten any work done.
A drinking RPG game sounds fun, do I have that right though? I find the game description incredibly painful to read so I'm not entirely sure what it's about, but I'm still curious
Not really a drinking game, though you can certainly have a glass or several while playing or make that a part of the game. It's really more about telling outlandish stories through competitive boasting to produce the greatest tale for the entertainment of the rest of the group, and some liquid fortification does aid in the process
Players can also challenge other storytellers in their tales concerning "facts" they bring up, for example, thus making storytellers to make clever corrections or refute such allegations. These twists can then take stories in directions the teller had no plans for originally, and thus create even better (and certainly more amusing) tales.
The rules cover how such things as how challenges are made and refuted, winners are decided, and (most importantly) who buys the next round. It also includes a multitude of story ideas to get things going, plus all of the new content for the third edition so even veteran players will get tons of new game and story tips.
Say good gentlefolk, has a treatise on the mechanics of this game been made available?
Verily so!
There are some articles on RPGG and the like about the older editions that describe the mechanics of the base game too, like here: https://rpggeek.com/thread/1258435/whats-it-all-about-extraordinary-adventures-baron.
Verily so!
There are some articles on RPGG and the like about the older editions that describe the mechanics of the base game too, like here: https://rpggeek.com/thread/1258435/whats-it-all-about-extraordinary-adventures-baron.
Rumors of the first link's efficacy have been greatly exaggerated, good fellow! The latter, however, has seen to it that this title will enter my collection.
A drinking RPG game sounds fun, do I have that right though? I find the game description incredibly painful to read so I'm not entirely sure what it's about, but I'm still curious
Not really a drinking game, though you can certainly have a glass or several while playing or make that a part of the game. It's really more about telling outlandish stories through competitive boasting to produce the greatest tale for the entertainment of the rest of the group, and some liquid fortification does aid in the process
Players can also challenge other storytellers in their tales concerning "facts" they bring up, for example, thus making storytellers to make clever corrections or refute such allegations. These twists can then take stories in directions the teller had no plans for originally, and thus create even better (and certainly more amusing) tales.
The rules cover how such things as how challenges are made and refuted, winners are decided, and (most importantly) who buys the next round. It also includes a multitude of story ideas to get things going, plus all of the new content for the third edition so even veteran players will get tons of new game and story tips.
Thanks for explaining it, it might be my complete and utter lack of imagination but the prose style is quite painful and annoying for me to read. The game itself sounds intriguing but the style is off putting, I'll pass
Verily so!
There are some articles on RPGG and the like about the older editions that describe the mechanics of the base game too, like here: https://rpggeek.com/thread/1258435/whats-it-all-about-extraordinary-adventures-baron.
Rumors of the first link's efficacy have been greatly exaggerated, good fellow! The latter, however, has seen to it that this title will enter my collection.
Clearly the work of the pernicious French, always eager to employ the sabot even in this age.
I fervently hope this connective net-tubage will suffice, where all the various News articles concerning the Baron's Game can be found:
The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen .
Edited by FFG Fra
Verily so!
There are some articles on RPGG and the like about the older editions that describe the mechanics of the base game too, like here: https://rpggeek.com/thread/1258435/whats-it-all-about-extraordinary-adventures-baron.
Rumors of the first link's efficacy have been greatly exaggerated, good fellow! The latter, however, has seen to it that this title will enter my collection.
Clearly the work of the pernicious French, always eager to employ the sabot even in this age.
I fervently hope this connective net-tubage will suffice, where all the various News articles concerning the Baron's Game can be found: https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/products/the-extraordinary-adventures-of-baron-munchausen/
Good sir, it appears that you yourself might have contracted an ailment of the humours, for this document reference also leads the reader to an unfound page. I have traversed the library and come upon the document at that address, and it is in fact correct. French sabots indeed.
Edited by FFG FraThe Dulce you say! I shall have words with those who connect our inter-tubes here in our arctic abode, and give them a good thrashing.
Try these:
Edited by Tim HuckelberyPerhaps it is the blustering dagger of the North -- rapidly etching winter across my gaze -- that finally connected our tubes. When actuated, my clicking device did yield the desired results.
I am looking forward to a demonstration of this game....story...thingy...aehm
Edited by Sciencius