Sad fact is some collections have popped up for sale due to people getting out due to this very rumour. I understand ffg may not be able to comment, but I wish they would.
End of the game?
Weather it stays in development or not it is a good game. We'll still play it weather there are new cards or not. We play for fun and are not competitive so a stagnate card pool will not change anything.
And, if its true, all that worry about rotation was for naught. All cards stay legal!
Also, they are dropping the whole 40k RPG lines as well, removing the books from
I wish they would keep producing whatever cards there are now so I'd have gotten the chance to catch up properly...
Edited by GridashYes the fact that all the 40k rpg vanished from drivethrurpg is probably that last nail in the coffin of our hope. This game is over.
Edit: Plus, there is that article:
Edited by vilainn6Oh, Fury of Dracula is also on that list. I didn't even realize that it was licensed to FFG.
Edited by GridashThere are a lot of quite nagative signs around, lets hope that hearing nothing is because the negotiations are still actually ongoing.
RPGs removed from DriveThru, every Warhammer-related POD (WFRP, Death Angel, Warhammer Quest, etc.) misteriously "out of stock", and the WFRP toolkit on the Apple Store has disappeared... even the Unending War Playmat is no more
Well, now we just have to wait for the official announcement
This may have already been mentioned, but I do not see any Conquest products under the "reprint" filter in the "Upcoming" section on this site.
Funny. They just announced that 5th pack will be release next week and still no words about the futur of the game. FFG really think we are just dumb.
Why would you make any kind of statement about losing a license? A team doesn't advertise its losses. A business doesn't announce it is closing until it is forced to. It was announced that AGoT was ending but inly so that AGoT v2 could start. Same with CoC making way for Arkham Horror.
I can't think of any company that has advertised that they would no longer make a product, It just goes away.
If anything is going to be said then it will be in a controlled situation such as worlds in November.
With AGoT, they still had the license and were continuing with the game, just in a 2.0 version, so they could follow up the announcement of 1.0 ending immediately with the 2.0 announcement. With CoC it was a long time after they announced CoC would be ending before they announced the Arkham Horror LCG, but H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulu mythos world is public domain, so they didn't have to worry about paying for the license and not having a game to go with it.
With the Star Wars LCG, chances are it's most likely done after this current cycle is over. However, they still have and are paying for the license and need to make it worth the money, so they come out with SW: Destiny, something new and different to try to most likely replace the LCG. As far as Conquest goes, we don't know for certain yet that FFG will no longer have the license, but whereas the SW LCG was in mid-cycle and already got an announcement for what will most likely replace that LCG, Conquest received no such announcement of new cycles, deluxes, a 2.0 version, etc.
And I agree with Tekwych, why would they make an announcement that the game is ending before all product is released. It makes no sense. They want to make as much money from the products they've already made so everyone doesn't prematurely abandon ship and they are sitting on even more potential unsellable product. By the time Worlds comes around, we should definitely have the 6th War Pack, and then they can make a formal announcement about everything. Until then and even after then, just enjoy this great game!
Why would you make any kind of statement about losing a license? A team doesn't advertise its losses. A business doesn't announce it is closing until it is forced to. It was announced that AGoT was ending but inly so that AGoT v2 could start. Same with CoC making way for Arkham Horror.
I can't think of any company that has advertised that they would no longer make a product, It just goes away.
If anything is going to be said then it will be in a controlled situation such as worlds in November.
They advertised that Warhammer Invasion and CoC were going away. We only recently found out about AH.
Difference is that Warhammer Invasion and Call of Cthulhu went away due to FFG deciding the time was right for that, either because they couldnt take it any further or because it had stopped making enough profit. So with both they produced a last wrap-up deluxe and finished the line even though they stil had access to the licenses.
If the Conquest rumours are true, then this will be a different scenario because the game is still popular, still running and still to an extent incomplete. It will be because of the license agreement instead (withdrawing by choice, force or too much cost)
So I do think its a different scenario for this one, if ofcourse the rumour is true
but whereas the SW LCG was in mid-cycle and already got an announcement for what will most likely replace that LCG,"
what are you talking about? Destiny is a completely different type of game.
" but whereas the SW LCG was in mid-cycle and already got an announcement for what will most likely replace that LCG,"what are you talking about? Destiny is a completely different type of game.
Yeah destiny and the lcg have no impact on each other than being from the same license.
And as expected the end of all FFG games GW related is announced.
Edited by KentaresAnd as expected the end of all FFG games GW related is announced.
Darn shucks. I was just getting into Conquest.
I imagine they were negotiating with GW but were unable to come to an agreement. GW is notorious for their greed and iron fisted management of their license. I am sure they will find some other poor bastards to make board games for their franchise down the line, but unless they buy the games from FFG, the board games that we know and love will probably never be touched again.
You may want to hang on to all those games though. They are very likely to become collectable items after this.
I imagine they were negotiating with GW but were unable to come to an agreement. GW is notorious for their greed and iron fisted management of their license. I am sure they will find some other poor bastards to make board games for their franchise down the line
Or, you know, instead of one of the parties being Satan, it might have just been two companies mutually agreeing that their partnership was no longer beneficial.
I imagine they were negotiating with GW but were unable to come to an agreement. GW is notorious for their greed and iron fisted management of their license. I am sure they will find some other poor bastards to make board games for their franchise down the line
Or, you know, instead of one of the parties being Satan, it might have just been two companies mutually agreeing that their partnership was no longer beneficial.
Coincidentally, the same year that Asmodee buys (or "merges with" if you live in the lollipop world) FFG.
With AGoT, they still had the license and were continuing with the game, just in a 2.0 version, so they could follow up the announcement of 1.0 ending immediately with the 2.0 announcement. With CoC it was a long time after they announced CoC would be ending before they announced the Arkham Horror LCG, but H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulu mythos world is public domain, so they didn't have to worry about paying for the license and not having a game to go with it.
With the Star Wars LCG, chances are it's most likely done after this current cycle is over. However, they still have and are paying for the license and need to make it worth the money, so they come out with SW: Destiny, something new and different to try to most likely replace the LCG. As far as Conquest goes, we don't know for certain yet that FFG will no longer have the license, but whereas the SW LCG was in mid-cycle and already got an announcement for what will most likely replace that LCG, Conquest received no such announcement of new cycles, deluxes, a 2.0 version, etc.
And I agree with Tekwych, why would they make an announcement that the game is ending before all product is released. It makes no sense. They want to make as much money from the products they've already made so everyone doesn't prematurely abandon ship and they are sitting on even more potential unsellable product. By the time Worlds comes around, we should definitely have the 6th War Pack, and then they can make a formal announcement about everything. Until then and even after then, just enjoy this great game!
Uh the SW LCG isn't ending after this cycle....
mmm no problem! This is only my favorite lcg and one of the best boardgame.
I imagine they were negotiating with GW but were unable to come to an agreement. GW is notorious for their greed and iron fisted management of their license. I am sure they will find some other poor bastards to make board games for their franchise down the line
Or, you know, instead of one of the parties being Satan, it might have just been two companies mutually agreeing that their partnership was no longer beneficial.
Or, you know, if it makes you feel better thinking that its ok I guess but knowing the GW business practices which I know first hand when I worked at a national distributor of hobby games 13 years ago I would bet Sirfuzzy is 100% correct. I dont see FFG not interested in keeping the agreement after developing so many good games but... you know... its just my POV.
And of course FFG will never say the truth about this because theyre being ethical in their position. Maybe one day we will know...
Edited by Kentares
I imagine they were negotiating with GW but were unable to come to an agreement. GW is notorious for their greed and iron fisted management of their license. I am sure they will find some other poor bastards to make board games for their franchise down the line
Or, you know, instead of one of the parties being Satan, it might have just been two companies mutually agreeing that their partnership was no longer beneficial.
Or, you know, if it makes you feel better thinking that its ok I guess but knowing the GW business practices which I know first hand when I worked at a national distributor of hobby games 13 years ago I would bet Sirfuzzy is 100% correct. I dont see FFG not interested in keeping the agreement after developing so many good games but... you know... its just my POV.
And of course FFG will never say the truth about this because theyre being ethical in their position. Maybe one day we will know...
There's already a Reddit post where an (ex?) FFG employee has said GW wanted FFG to drop all their minis lines, including X-wing and Imperial Assault.