End of the game?

By CeGir, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

Hi everyone,

Sorry if it has already discussed, I didn't found anything.
In my country I heard from some players and an event organizer (they have info from inner sources) that the game could be prematurely ended at the end of the current cycle, because of lack of success.

Is it true? Anyone has informations about this? That would be so sad has it's my favorite LCG with Netrunner so far.

we should find out future plans (or lack thereof) at the "Flight report" at Gencon in a week and a half.

There have been a lot of rumors, but not a lot of facts.

People seem to think the game is being canceled because there has been no announcement regarding the cycle after the current one (which we're about 3-packs into) - but this seems just as likely to be a shift in FFG marketing policy since they don't seem to be announcing new products until they are almost on the shelves for any of their product lines these days. And yes, there are the rumors of poor market performance (which don't ring true globally; for every place the game is "dying," there is a place where the local player base is growing), and even that Games Workshop is pulling the license (and who can tell one way or the other on that).

No one has definite answers, though. It's all just rumor and speculation. We'll know when FFG says something (maybe at Gencon next week, as Hidatom points out). We probably won't really know for sure until the last pack of the current cycle comes out and there either are, or aren't, new cards on the shelf a couple months later.

great, now that i caught up buying the deluxe expansions and the missing warpacks...

conquest is still stocked at both stores in our area and have active play almost weekly. If there is an LCG that is hurting its Star Wars. The game isn't even stocked at the stores, can only get ir by knowing it exists and ordering the SKUs. Haven't seen anyone playing SW:LCG at one of the stores in over a year.

great, now that i caught up buying the deluxe expansions and the missing warpacks...

Short of Games Workshop pulling the license, I really don't think you have much to worry about.

I dunno if the game is in danger from being discontinued, but useless distributors make it hard to get it. Can't have much of a community if people don't even know the games exist. I'm relying on foreign mail-order to get my FFG games, for the most part.

The distributor which the FLGS relies on is horrible at getting anything in general. FLGS sends a list to them with desired products ticked, the lottery pulls balls out of the drum, and the lucky numbers are pulled from the shelf and shipped off.

There was a batch of SW RPG stuff, plenty of X-Wing, some LotR cores and small packs from the third (of six!) cycles, a few SW LCG and AGoT 2e cores, and two force packs, some Conquest (Jungles of Nectavus and the new deluxe being the most recent they had) and almost everything Netrunner all at once earlier this year.

They've since kept Netrunner stocked and arrange small events most weeks, but the other games are just losing shelf-space. Conquest is currently hidden among some Relic and Warmachine boxes. I wonder how many accidentally buy the wrong expansions, since everything on that shelf is grimdark.

My FLGS (Team Covenant) has much the same rumors and much the same advice. Wait till Gencon and then we'll know more.


Thanks for answers. :)

with the lack of ANY GW licensed product in the news this week I suspect FFG may just be losing (giving up?) the license...too bad for GW.

Edited by Hidatom

Yeah. I don't buy any GW product anymore. To high of a cost and just bad rule sets. For gameplay I can go to Mantic, Corvous Belli, and Warlord. The only place I go for a fix in the GW IP is at FFG.

another clue...how much 40K licensed stuff is at their booth?

FFG, please be loyal to your fans and tell is what is going on!

Im pretty sure that all of us will buy 3 cycle anyway!

So give us a few tears of love and be strong to tell "yes this is the END (at least for next year)"!

I realy realy like Conquest. It has best game mechanics between all your LCG. And it is one of the best WH40K game.

If it is true and GW taken back their licence... F**k GW! Just make some sci-fi LCG with this mechanics (or smth like that).

InFlight report starts now. There was promise of tweeting .

no news on future products.
answer to question is "more packs are coming out...can't comment on anything else"

I think the "runewars" game is the biggest clue to this...FFG is going for GW's share of the pie.

personally I am getting popcorn and gonna watch. Can massive resources (Asmodee) beat a fiercely loyal fanbase and IP with years of bad management (GW)?

Yeah, shots were fired.

no news on future products.

answer to question is "more packs are coming out...can't comment on anything else"

I think the "runewars" game is the biggest clue to this...FFG is going for GW's share of the pie.

personally I am getting popcorn and gonna watch. Can massive resources (Asmodee) beat a fiercely loyal fanbase and IP with years of bad management (GW)?

Is Runewars supposed to compete with Warhammer? I personally don't see that happening.

Edited by Durand

no news on future products.

answer to question is "more packs are coming out...can't comment on anything else"

I think the "runewars" game is the biggest clue to this...FFG is going for GW's share of the pie.

personally I am getting popcorn and gonna watch. Can massive resources (Asmodee) beat a fiercely loyal fanbase and IP with years of bad management (GW)?

Is Runewars supposed to compete with Warhammer? I personally don't see that happening.

Give it time...I think it's a shot across the bow as Evilder stated.

I thought I saw some vague stabs at GW in the image captions for the miniatures. They made a point of you showing creativity when painting them. GW have been absurdly strict about how you paint their miniatures for competitions (only their paints, only approved colour schemes), not allowing anything really original. Or at least that was the case some number of years ago.

I gotta say, it's kinda lame for Fantasy Flight to antagonize their business partner, especially when they have customers whose products are endangered because of it. I hope they prioritize keeping the Warhammer license over trying to compete with the miniatures game.

Edited by Durand

I guess that's the Asmodee rot seeping in?

we do not know if they are antagonizing GW or just moving forward after GW told them to screw.
I suspect that GE wants to move more of their Table top gaming in house OR they think they are successful enough to change the terms of the contract with FFG.

all guesses since we are ALSO guessing that GW and FFG are moving away from each other.

The first three packs of the third cycle are out of stock. Maybe a clue?

GW have been absurdly strict about how you paint their miniatures for competitions (only their paints, only approved colour schemes), not allowing anything really original. Or at least that was the case some number of years ago.

WTF did they really do this?

How the hell can they tell what manufacturer paint was used?

Years ago I new a guys GW produced painted miniature wasnt allowed to enter Golden Daemon because it was not current stock.

Sheeesh GW need a slapping.

WTF did they really do this?

How the hell can they tell what manufacturer paint was used?

Yes, that's what I've read more than once. They have their own colours, like Goblin Green and Dwarf Flesh, which they're ready to sue over, no doubt. The Oldhammer movement may seem like grumpy old gamers, but there ARE too many dumb rules in recent years ;)

Current models, approved colours, approved schemes are all typical GW requirements. I wouldn't be surprised if you could get disqualified for placing a Chaos unit side by side with any of its enemies.