Alright, I got two questions (technically) pertaining to Daemon Engines. Hope you'll all bear with me.
First off, when creating a Daemon Engine, there is no mention as to how Agility is determined. Maybe I'm blind as a bat but I swore I could not find a single reference to it anywhere in the rules in the Tome of Decay. For now I'm assuming that the Daemon Engine's agility is the same as the Daemon being bound to it until otherwise corrected.
With that small question pushed out, here's the bigger one;
So I recently had my player Party confront a Daemon Engine. Initially I thought it would be a piece of cake, but as it turns out (according to the players, whom I'd usually trust to know the rules themselves) the Daemon Engine acts as a living thing. As a result, if it gets stuck into melee it cannot fire it's ranged weapons at all. Which felt really weird to me, because for one thing, they are quite **** big. A good example would be say, we have a player party with all but one in melee with the Daemon Engine. Because Daemon Engines are usually big, it surely would not pose much trouble to simply aim a ranged weapon and fire at the lone guy at the very least?
I tried looking up on the Combat rules to verify, but I did not have much luck. I'm hoping you guys can provide me some answers.
Thanks in advance!