Employing Space Marines

By Errant Knight, in Rogue Trader

Errant Knight: I can only agree. The fact that Space Marines Chapters can never field massive forces obviously does not mean they should not be used massed! Even more so the vital supporting specialist, who will obviously never get the fluff attention they should get if those Thunderhawks are to keep flying. But logistic support is hardly 'sexy' enough to get the attention it deserves in serious military history, let alone fantasy writing.

Also keep in mind that most chapters tend to spread themselves thin as well in order to cover more ground and get more missions done; There might only be one company of a chapter in the sector, you might be lucky if the system your in as a squad of the bastards in it.

There are exceptions of course... The Minotaur chapter is known for bringing all companies with them when they get sent somewhere by the High Lords of Terra. For being the High Lord's beat stick, the Minotaur's get access to all the new, shiny equipment they could ask for and the right to draw recruits from Terra herself. Considering the insanely high population of Terra and how heavily protected from assault it is, they aren't going to be hurting for new members anytime soon. The fact that they are also a chapter of pragmatic dicks also helps them avoid needless losses... by letting other imperial forces suffer them... including other space marine chapters.