New to WoW II question??

By propjockey53, in Wings of War (WWII)

Hi Gang,

Are the clear bases to mount the planes on available to purchase seperately???

Also are there any videos or tips on how to play the game?


Sorry, both the base and altitude markers are made by an Italian company that refuses to sell them lose (they don't even sell anything to FFG except in full pack with a model) . There are other bases that look almost the same but with another system instead of altitude pegs you can buy however. Another possibility is to make one yourself, it is really the altitude pegs that is the hard part, one of my players tried to make his own but they were unstable to say the least.

As for videos have I so far only seen a German video where the guy who plays Manfred in "The red baron" playing for a while, no real tutorials or anything. But that doesn't mean they don't exist of course, Haji might know more, he runs a Wow site and know more about stuff like that than me.