Having a 4th product line sucks!

By Desslok, in The Force Awakens Beginner Game




FLGS: "Friendly Local Game Store, how may I help you?"

Desslok: "Hi. Do you have the brand new Force Awakens Beginner Boxed set?"

FLGS: "For which system"

Desslok: "Its from FFG"

FLGS: "But which system?"

Desslok: "Star Wars. Just came out, as a stand alone item."

FLGS: "But there are several Star Wars games. Which one?"

Desslok: This is it's own thing. Its for the Force Awakens."

FLGS: "So, for Force and Destiny?"

Desslok: "No, the Force Awakens Beginners Box. The latest Star Wars movie. It is it's own product line."

. . . . .

FLGS: "We don't have it."


Edited by Desslok

Some one has been playing Mansion of Madness too much.

You were expecting it to release before GenCon? Madness!

This looks more like a FLGS failure than a failure of FFG. Reads like you were pretty clear about the product you were asking for. Shouldn't have to provide them the ISBN for them to understand what the words "Beginner's Box" and "The Force Awakens" are.

Desslok's avatar continues to describe his current mood.

You were expecting it to release before GenCon? Madness!

Madness? More like eternal optimism!

I'd like a name for the whole system. At this point feels a bit disingenuous to call them three or four different games.

The (infrequent but existing) articles for all the game lines just use "Star Wars Roleplaying."

The (infrequent but existing) articles for all the game lines just use "Star Wars Roleplaying."

Fans of the previous systems mostly refer to them as D6, D20 and Saga. Say one of those and people know what you mean. But Star Wars Roleplaying could refer to any of these as well as the modern system. For me I just call it Star Wars FFG.

So D6, D20 and Dfunny?

D-Lucky Charms.

Star Wars NDS (narrative dice system), but I don't know if that will every catch.

I've tended towards FFG Star Wars RPG for lack of a better moniker.

You should try reading the description on the FFG website before complaining. Clearly states it won't be followed by a line of books. However, I wouldn't mind getting some source books based on the state of the galaxy with the new movies. They give some basic info in the new beginner box, but it's only a few pages worth.

Wait - what? Who are you talking to? Me?

I'd like a name for the whole system. At this point feels a bit disingenuous to call them three or four different games.

I recall this discussion coming up when the original EotE beta forum opened. There were lots of suggestions that were all over the place and nothing was settled upon. Bad us I suppose. I recall suggesting something that included NDS? I don't even remember now. I think someone said something like "NarDS?"

I've been calling it "FFG Star Wars" when typing or "The Star Wars RPG by Fantasy Flight Games" when speaking to a game store clerk.

You should try reading the description on the FFG website before complaining. Clearly states it won't be followed by a line of books. However, I wouldn't mind getting some source books based on the state of the galaxy with the new movies. They give some basic info in the new beginner box, but it's only a few pages worth.

So when calling into the game store and asked what line/system by the clerk, which should Desslok have responded with? Edge of the Empire? Age of Rebellion? Force & Destiny?

It is it's own line, even if it's a line of one.

FLGS: "But which system?"

Desslok: "Star Wars. Just came out, as a stand alone item ."

FLGS: "But there are several Star Wars games. Which one?"

Desslok: This is it's own thing . Its for the Force Awakens."

You should try reading the description on the FFG website before complaining. Clearly states it won't be followed by a line of books.

You should try reading Desslok's OP again before complaining. He clearly states he knows it's a single item.

Sorry Desslok, I know you are a big, grown penguin and can defend yourself. I can't help myself sometimes when up late at night and tired.

Eh, don't sweat it man. Honestly, that's far better than my retort of finding a Deer Hunter clip of "You talkin' to me?" that I couldn't be bothered to go and find. :)

"You should try reading Desslok's OP again before complaining. He clearly states he knows it's a single item."

I did read his OP... It really was not hard at all to walk in and ask for the Force Awakens beginner box. You both must have game stores run by idiots. The guy running mine knew exactly which one because i asked for the Force Awakens... not sure where your preceived confusion comes from on asking for the game...

And my problem was with the title being: "Having a 4th product line sucks." FFG stated it would not be followed by a new line, which means it isn't a new line. Hell, it uses everything from the previous lines, only adding stats for the new stuff. I get that it's "separate", but not by much. And for $30, it's worth it alone for the dice, stats, and that sweet map.

I did read his OP... It really was not hard at all to walk in and ask for the Force Awakens beginner box. You both must have game stores run by idiots. The guy running mine knew exactly which one because i asked for the Force Awakens...

Oh for the love of the Force, that is exactly what he did according to his OP:



FLGS: "Friendly Local Game Store, how may I help you?"

Desslok: "Hi. Do you have the brand new Force Awakens Beginner Boxed set?"

And where did I mention anything about my game store? Are you just skimming quickly and replying? Trolling?

"You should try reading Desslok's OP again before complaining. He clearly states he knows it's a single item."

I did read his OP... It really was not hard at all to walk in and ask for the Force Awakens beginner box. You both must have game stores run by idiots. The guy running mine knew exactly which one because i asked for the Force Awakens... not sure where your preceived confusion comes from on asking for the game...

And my problem was with the title being: "Having a 4th product line sucks." FFG stated it would not be followed by a new line, which means it isn't a new line. Hell, it uses everything from the previous lines, only adding stats for the new stuff. I get that it's "separate", but not by much. And for $30, it's worth it alone for the dice, stats, and that sweet map.

Four different mastheads:

#1 - Edge of the Empire

#2 - Age of Rebellion

#3 - Force and Destiny

#4 - The Force Awakens

We've seen more than one story here on the boards of people asking stores for/about it, being told, "Yes, it's in," and arriving to find the F&D box. When dealing with an employee who may or may not be overly familiar with FFG's system*, calling it another "product line" is perfectly valid.

Pretty easy to understand both the title and original post, given context.

*(A couple of times, at the store I've purchased most of the books from...the only store I've found in a good portion of a large metro area that carries a decent quantity of books...a store where I often see people playing the game in their gaming section as I go through to get to the books...when checking out, I've had employees at the counter say that they're unfamiliar with the game and ask me questions about it.)

"You should try reading Desslok's OP again before complaining. He clearly states he knows it's a single item."

I did read his OP... It really was not hard at all to walk in and ask for the Force Awakens beginner box. You both must have game stores run by idiots. The guy running mine knew exactly which one because i asked for the Force Awakens... not sure where your preceived confusion comes from on asking for the game...

And my problem was with the title being: "Having a 4th product line sucks." FFG stated it would not be followed by a new line, which means it isn't a new line. Hell, it uses everything from the previous lines, only adding stats for the new stuff. I get that it's "separate", but not by much. And for $30, it's worth it alone for the dice, stats, and that sweet map.

Be silent, the adults are talking now.

Edited by Desslok


That made me JUMP!

No wonder Lovecraft added penguins to the Mountains of Madness!