Taunting -- what social skill to use?

By Covered in Weasels, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

At last week's session, our Noble-born player was having a verbal sparring match with an NPC noble after a fancy dinner party. The exchange was not going well for the arrogant NPC, and he was getting visibly angry. The player attempted to taunt the NPC and provoke him into issuing a challenge for a duel. I asked the player to make a standard Fellowship-based Deceive test to accomplish this. Although none of the Social skills seemed to cover this sort of interaction, Deceive seemed like the best fit for manipulating someone's emotions in this way.

Do you think I ruled this correctly? If not, what skill/characteristic would you have the player use instead?

Personally I would have asked for a contested test using your player's Fellowship vs. your NPC's Will Power - representing your player's ability to correctly manipulate them, and your NPC's ability to resist losing control of his faculties.