Master of the Hunt keep level (spoilers)

By Ryric, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

i'm going to talk about the Keep level for the Master of the Hunt for SoB, so if you don't want to know about it, go away.

It seems like this could go very badly for the heroes very quickly if they have a bad first turn. All the Master has to do is run past them and turn sideways, and the heroes are stuck until they chew through his several hundred wounds. Then the wild hunt catches up and the overlord wins. I think using the master to prevent the heroes from fleeing the wild hunt might fall under the "creating an unwinnable blockage" rule - it just seems like a cheesy tactic that cheapens the end fight. I am assuming that the hellhounds representing the hunt are just markers, that the heroes can't actually just kill the hunt. Perhaps allowing the heroes to also move through the Master would fix this problem.

Without more info it's impossible to say, but it seems like this is both thematically appropriate and easy to stop. It sounds right to me that a master of a hunt, whose hunt (apparently) kills anything it catches, would work best by delaying the huntees until his hounds arrive. It also sounds like if the halls are thin enough that a single long creature can stop the party from passing, they're also thin enough that two heroes can stand side-by-side and prevent him from getting there in the first place.

The problem arises with the fact that the Master of the Hunt can (for 8 movement) just run past the heroes, turn to face the wall, and sit there for as long as it takes for the Wild Hunt to catch the heroes. As soon as a hero gets touched by one of the hounds, SPLAT! Dead hero. This just seems like another hopelessly broken quest.

James McMurray said:

Without more info it's impossible to say, but it seems like this is both thematically appropriate and easy to stop. It sounds right to me that a master of a hunt, whose hunt (apparently) kills anything it catches, would work best by delaying the huntees until his hounds arrive. It also sounds like if the halls are thin enough that a single long creature can stop the party from passing, they're also thin enough that two heroes can stand side-by-side and prevent him from getting there in the first place.

Unfortunately, the Master has the ability to walk through heroes. They (in general) can't travel through it.

The problem with this level is the starting location of the master and his wild hunt. Basically, since the heroes have to be adjacent to the door, the furthest hero is 6 spaces away from the Master, and he can easily move 8 spaces to overtake and trap them. The simple fix is to move the master, the ice, and the wild hunt 1 space to the north, making it impossible for the master to overtake the heroes on turn 1.