Hopper needs banning in the Inner Region, end of!
Hopper and Stompy vs. The Gauntlet
Dude it's not worth arguing with Uvatha, he will never ever ever concede that he was wrong, no matter how obvious it is. He will spend hours writing essays quoting from the rules and all kinds of nonsense to try and justify a bs position, this stupid argument just isn't worth having to deal with someone as stubborn as he is that has WAYYYYY too much time on his hands, and when you finally give up and say sorry man you're being stupid and I'm not engaging you he proclaims victory by demanding more points and counter points from you. He thinks he wins because he will never stop posting with plenty of meaningless quotations and rules references. Just the kind of person I would never play any kind of game with, because I'd have to throw them out of my house.
Jon New designed the Gauntlet, hey Jon was it the intent to allow someone with hoppy to bypass the entire inner region? Hopefully you see this.
Edited by Joker2016I think the best way would be change Hopper from:
Whenever you land on a space with a card or character, you may move to the next space continuing in the same direction you were moving (clockwise or counterclockwise).
Whenever you land on a space with a FACE UP ADVENTURE CARD or character, you may move to the next space continuing in the same direction you were moving (clockwise or counterclockwise).
and change Stompy from:
After you have finished moving, you may discard 1 Adventure Card on your space.
After you have finished moving, you may discard 1 FACE UP ADVENTURE CARD on your space.
If Hopper can move over all cards and characters does this also count for Terrain, Denizen and (face down) Remnant cards?
This is exactly my thinking. Plugs the rules loophole and preserves KISS.
With taking everything into account from this thread (not including Joker2016 insulting banter of course) the best fix is to just include a " not in Inner Region " to Hoppers game text (just as Talismanamsilat suggested). This will fix the Inner Region hopping with The Gauntlet and also will preserve KISS (just like Gentlegamer suggested as well).
All fantastic suggestions.
Or you know, common sense, which I know is often lacking in some individuals.
Or you know, common sense, which I know is often lacking in some individuals.
So true indeed, but i suspect you are thinking of the wrong individuals
Cry cry, go report me to ffg again.
Edited by UvathaCry cry, go report me to ffg again.
It's not abusive, I generally find you to be extremely annoying is all, and ever present and generally miltantly wrong, when I look at this rules forum you were the last person to post on about sixty percent of the posts.
So your saying that the following in not abusive, judgemental and plain insulting.
Dude it's not worth arguing with Uvatha, he will never ever ever concede that he was wrong, no matter how obvious it is. He will spend hours writing essays quoting from the rules and all kinds of nonsense to try and justify a bs position, this stupid argument just isn't worth having to deal with someone as stubborn as he is that has WAYYYYY too much time on his hands, and when you finally give up and say sorry man you're being stupid and I'm not engaging you he proclaims victory by demanding more points and counter points from you. He thinks he wins because he will never stop posting with plenty of meaningless quotations and rules references. Just the kind of person I would never play any kind of game with, because I'd have to throw them out of my house.
I mean I find you annoying as well, but i do not post judgemental, abusive stuff about you? What right do you have to say these things "your annoyed"?
Also being the last one to post whats up with that? I'm sorry I'm not allowed to post last?
Edited by Uvatha