I originally developed this background option because one of my players wanted to play arbitor who was slightly psychic sensitive but his psychic profile was so low that he wasn't captured and detained on a black ship. So, I thought it over for a few minutes and figured out a solution which allows a slightly sensitive character who is still essentially a non-psyker. It also fitted my campaign perfectly because I wanted to give the acolytes access to psyniscience skill without introducing a sanctioned psyker into the party... Which would have been problematic anyway since the party does have one Untouchable
Anyway, I decided to share this background option for everyone to use as you see fit:
Suppressed Psyker
100 xp
Suppressive Medication
Suppressive Medication
Person is a test-subject prescribed with highly expensive suppressive medication designed to keep his nascent psychic powers from manifesting. This medication is very rare and usually available only to Inquisition Ordo Hereticus who use it to control detained psychics aboard Black Ships during warp-travel. As long as person is regularly taking his suppressive medication he is treated as a normal person with no psychic powers apart from Psyniscience skill.
In addition to suppressing nascent psychic powers the suppressive medication also guarantees some control over effects of Spook drug. If a person under suppressive medication takes a doze of Spook he only risks gaining 1 insanity point for the failed willpower roll and can manifest the power with simple willpower roll. In addition when rolling for random psychic power he can count the rolled dice in any desired order (i.e if he rolled 1 and 6 he can count the roll as 16 or 61).
If the person does not receive the medication for 1 full week he will go on withdrawal. During withdrawal from suppressive medication person has to make a Fear (1) test each for week or Fear (2) test for each day in warp. All normal insanity rules apply to these tests. If he purposefully attempts to “kick the habit” then addition to this he must make a willpower (-20) test to avoid taking the drugs anyway if they are available. From 2nd week on without the suppressive medication he must make toughness test each week or lose 1 point of willpower or intelligence. Full withdrawal will take 6 weeks. The withdrawal symptoms end instantly when he receives a new doze of suppressor and any future attempts of withdraw from the suppressors start again from zero.
If suppressed psyker survives a full withdrawal from suppressive medication then he is considered a Nascent Psyker and receives Nascent Powers trait. Effects of suppressive medication on fully developed psykers wary highly but long term use of suppressor on a full psyker is always extremely dangerous and possibly lethal to the psyker.