Hey guys, I'm interested in playing an online (via skype/roll20) campaign of DH, and was wondering if anyone was organising a group or had a group organised willing to let me in. Please shoot me a message and let me know. Thanks!
Looking for a party.
I see you are wanting to join a group if you have yet to find one. What time zone are you in, what times are most preferable for you? I am the GM for a group of 5 people across the US majority of them being in the eastern coast. I am currently overseas for a little bit for service. We have been playing with me being 7 hours ahead (7pm here, 12pm Eastern time, 11am Central time) but by mid month I can start in relative timeframes such as around 7pm eastern time on whatever day everyone is open to.
Would this stop you from joining? I look forward to talk to you. If you want any contact information, my e-mail is chileman505@yahoo.com .
Hope this helps you.
I'm recruiting brave souls into the Emperor's service...