Hi everybody! In order to sate my unending desire to talk about X-Wing too much to my friends, I figured I will channel that enthusiasm into some reports. I am an absolute n00b, and my game this week reinforced that to me. Hopefully I can learn and progress! I started a bat rep blog, which will contain substantially the same posts.
This Tues, I traveled to my LGS for X-Wing league night. While I typically play with my more limited group of friends, an odd-number meant that I was matched up with one of the local players--a quite skilled, quite friendly fellow named Will.
The lists:
I ran a Dash/Poe list, which I refer to as my Po'Das'cita list. ...like pobrecita, get it? No? Well fine.
This was comprised of:
-Dash Rendar
-Kanan Jarrus
-Push the Limit
-Engine Upgrade
T-70 X-Wing
-Weapons Guidance
I'm not sure exactly what his full list was, but it included:
TIE Defender
TIE Adv. prototype
-proton rockets
TIE Adv. prototype
-Proton Rockets
I know there was a PTL in there, and a VI, and some other stuff. Ultimately, his list worked in such a way that all of his ships had an evade, focus, and TL just about every turn. I thought this list was pretty brilliant, and I don't think I've seen this particular combo on the webs yet.
We each had 99 pts, and rolled off for initiative, which he took. We placed asteroids in the center of the field, in a little band stretching towards each of our right hand corners. We both set up in our right hand corners, and moved straight out along our respective right board edges, circling one another for 2 turns.
Dash turned in through the asteroid field and exchanged fire with Vessery at R3. No damage. Poe trailed in behind. I maneuvered Dash poorly into his right corner (my far left corner), and he was able to move into R1 with Vessery and the inquisitor. Rudor trailed behind out of range of Dash, and an obstructed R2 with Poe. Proton Rockets went off on Dash, who was unable to return fire. Poe lost a shield, and failed to wound when returning fire. Poe tried to skirt through the middle of the melee and break out the other side, which he more or less did. In the meantime, he R2-D2'd back to full health, but Dash was really already in pretty big trouble.
Dash tried to sprint down his board edge (left to right on the far end of the table from me). Vessery and the Inquisitor followed, while Rudor split off to chase Poe. He read me like a book, and never lost a shot on me. I was burning through my actions, trying to boost and focus, spending my focuses defending, and making unmodified, R3 attacks on autothruster-protected, often-focused defenders with 3 AGI.
Dash continued hemorrhaging wounds as he turned up my right side of the table edge and tried to sprint back towards me. Vessery and the Inq. coasted along behind, casually, and finished Dash off without ever even losing a single shield, or breaking a sweat.
Poe tried to blow past Rudor, but Rudor caught him at R1. Poe fired first, spending his focus to turn to eyeballs into hits, removing a shield from Rudor. Rudor caught him with a 5 dice Proton Rocket, dealing two hits and a crit: direct hit. With one hull point left on Poe, and having inflicted ONLY ONE SINGLE SHIELD'S WORTH OF DAMAGE, I called it.
Thanks to Will's very strong list building, his ships were always decked out with evade/focus/target lock. Because of that, his ships, at most, would miss with one die. Almost always, he would hit with all of his dice. Again, I don't think that was good luck, I think that was a smart list.
I did not fly very well at all. Will pointed out that I did not make use of the asteroids very well with Dash. I am admittedly gun shy of flying directly into the asteroids, but he was right: I should have tried to drag his ships through the asteroid belt. Instead, I mainly cruised around the far edge of the map, which allowed him to coast along on the inside of the map, in a tighter turn, and keep me in his sights.
I also didn't focus fire at all. I was committed to trying to get Poe behind his squadron to chase. That did not work out for me. I'm sure that Poe would have been annihilated, had he tried to joust, but I obviously needed to be more creative and efficient about getting Poe into the fight sooner, and putting 7-8 dice on any one of his targets, rather than just 3 or 4, which he easily dodged.
I also did not use Poe's ability at all. I frequently would spend the focus to turn 2 eyeballs into hits, rather than hold onto it for the defensive boost. I never used weapons guidance at all, which was a waste. I have seen the r5-p9 build with Poe, and yesterday's game was a convincing illustration to me that it is a more economical use of Poe.
Lastly, it was good illustration of auto-thrusters as a counter to turret based ships. I mean, wow. HLC usually seems pretty reliable to me, but it literally did not deliver a single hit last night. This was, once again, largely attributable to the fact that he always had an evade handy, and I never focus fired, AND I rarely had a TL or focus available. So I was rolling a straight up, unmodified 4 dice. Usually that meant 2-3 hits. With his evade token and auto, that meant he had 2 dice to get one evade. If he held onto his focus, it was all-the-more easily attainable for him.
While it was certainly very humiliating and frustrating, it was a good lesson for me, and Will was a very sportsmanlike competitor. If I had it to do over again, I would have tried to double back with Dash, using those hard 1 turns/boost/barrel roll, rather than try to outrun Vessery/Inquisitor. All that did was keep me in his arc, and let him activate autothrusters.
Anyway, I hope to be diligent with my batreps, and keep learning a thing or two in reflection.