Some Movement/Activation questions

By T3hOverlord, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

so i have some questions about the movement and activation rules.

1) when you enter a new area, are ALL the monsters in that area immediatly revealed, or are they only revealed once they are in a hero's line of sight? OR is it like, they are revealed but the overlord cant move them until they are in line of sight of a hero?

(I have questions like this for people like that orc shadow guy from the core set)

also for that orc guy i just mentioned, when it says he can kill a dude that hasnt been activated, do they mean not activated that round? or not yet activated ever?

thanks in advance

When a new area is revealed all of the figures are placed/revealed. Sadly the OL can't activate them until his next turn which is why so many parites reveal new areas at the start of their turn. That way they get to kill most of the monsters before they can even think about launching an attack.

the classic rules tell you to build the entire revealed area with every monster and item.

there are optional rules which spawns only what you can see, but thats way to complicated in such a game.

the orc guy´s ability (i suppose you mean bogran the shadow) has nothing to do with killing a monster:

When Bogran the Shadow attacks an enemy that did not have line of sight to him at the start of the current turn, he gains +2 damage.

so when it says "when a monster hasnt been activated yet" that means they hevent moved AT ALL yet, correct? and can monsters move, even if they are on the other side of the area and havn't got line of sight on the heros yet?

about what ability are you talking? you can only spawn monsters if no monster was activated this round.

yes, as long as the monster is on the board it can be moved (activated)

thank you all, just needed some quick clarification, and it appears that i have been playing this way from the start so thank you for confirming

T3hOverlord said:

so when it says "when a monster hasnt been activated yet" that means they hevent moved AT ALL yet, correct? and can monsters move, even if they are on the other side of the area and havn't got line of sight on the heros yet?

Bogran's ability is not related to activation of monsters at all, and I can't think of another hero whose ability you might be thinking of, but if there were a hero ability that said "do X to target monster before it has been activated." I would read that as "activated this turn." Do you have a copy of the game in some language other than English? Perhaps Bogran's ability was mistranslated or worded differently. These things have been known to happen.

And yes, a monster can be activated to move and (if possible) attack even if it is not in line of sight of the heroes yet. As long as the figure is on the board (either from an area being revealed or from a spawn) then it is fair game for activation. Remember to read the quest text carefully, sometimes there are special rules that can change how things work.