When I hear friends discuss melee-focused character builds, they usually suggest a dual-wielding approach. Using Ambidextrous, Two-weapon Wielder, and Swift/Lightning Attack, they turn their character into a walking Cuisinart; they then build up Dodge and Parry to keep out of harm's way. This is certainly a powerful strategy, but it requires a heavy investment into both Finesse and Offence advances.
However, there is another option for players who prefer a more "direct" approach. For the players who don't want to dance around the battlefield and would rather hit heretics in the face with a giant hammer, who will not suffer the unclean to live, there is a build for you too. DISCLAIMER: I have not tried this yet, but it looks like so much fun that I'll have to use it for my next character.
The build hinges on the Inescapable Attack and Devastating Assault talents. The former gives enemies a -10 penalty to Evade your attacks for each DoS you score on a single attack. This includes All-Out Attacks, and if you hit a target with your first strike Devastating Assault will grant you a second one with all the same bonuses! Those bonuses are substantial: assuming a starting WS of 40 and no other modifiers, your target number on the attack roll is 70! As you stack up more WS advances and better gear, you can eventually reach the point where a hit is almost guaranteed.
You have basically all the essentials at this point, but extra talents will improve your effectiveness. Since you won't be dodging very often while in melee, defensive talents like Iron Jaw and Sound Constitution will keep you healthy, while True Grit will keep you alive. Crushing Blow and Hammer Blow increase your deadliness in combat, and Frenzy and Hatred will help you land that all-important initial strike.
For starting equipment, some strong armor and a powerful melee weapon are essential. Great weapons are good choices because of their high damage output, while warhammers or shock mauls let you disable your targets even if you don't kill them. Subskin armor is helpful if available, and armor like full plate or Enforcer carapace will keep you safe while you punch Death right in his smug little face.
What do you think? Does this sound like a build you would try, or does giving up your evade reaction sound too dangerous? I know I'll give it a try as soon as I can, because I enjoy high-risk situations and think that this particular avenue has not been explored to its fullest.