A few doubts regarding the Rebel Base...

By Seabook, in Star Wars: Rebellion

1) The Imperial fleet moves to the Rebel Base system, the base is revealed and a combat occurs. Then the rebel either loses the space or ground battle but win the other battle theather, leaving both rebel and imperial units on the system. If the Rapid Mobilization mission is one of the missions that will resolve later and nothing more happens, can the rebel player still change his Rebel Base even thought there are imperial ground or space units on the system? From what I saw, there are no restrictions besides the system you will choose to be the new Rebel Base can't have imperial loyalty and units and the system isn't destroyed.

2) When playing the Rapid Mobilization mission, do you only decide what the card will do when it resolves before the command phase ends? For example... you planned to change the Rebel Base location on the start of the command phase, but after everybody did all missions and combats, you changed your mind and want to move units from a system to the Rebel Base space instead.

3) When I want to reveal my base location voluntarily this turn, can I still activate a system or do any mission with a leader on this same turn of the command phase?

4) If there are 1 Medium Transport and 4 Rebel Soldiers in Kashyyyk, but one of the rebel leaders is on Kashyyyk by any reason, can I move those 5 units to my Rebel Base with Rapid Mobilization or that rebel leader that is on Kashyyyk won't allow me to do that?

5) This scenario that I read about was interesting... if the Rebel Base was in a neutral system and there are no rebel units on that system and neither on the Rebel Base. Then the imperial player do a diplomacy mission and gives imperial loyalty to that system, revealing the base. The command phase ends and the imperial player can deploy units to where the rebel base is, does this ends the game immediately?

1) Yes

2) You choose at the end of the command phase. "The Rebel player does not make any decisions

about this card until the end of the Command Phase."

3) Yes, a player can only voluntarily reveal the base "at the start of one of his turns of the Command Phase, before using one of his leaders."

4) No. You must adhere to all movement restrictions unless the card specifically states otherwise ie Hidden Fleet. [not Hidden Movement: thanks to Seabook for the correction below]

5) Yes. "The Imperial player wins the game immediately if there are

Imperial units in the Rebel base’s system and there are no
Rebel units in the system."
Edited by Kendraam

For number one the only other thing I would like to point out (as it recently happened to me) is that you may be unlucky and only draw systems from the Probe deck that are unavailable due to Imperial presence.

This happened twice to me during a late game situation. I saw that my opponent had clearly deduced where my base was and before he could arrive I attempted a Rapid Mob only to draw 8 systems at which he had presence. Next round he arrives at base, battle is fought, and at end of phase I again attempted to Rapid Mob only to once again draw 8 cards where he had presence.

The Empire: harder to avoid than ants at a pick-nick since 1977! ;)

Thanks for the replyes. :D

I see, those were nice answears. Just wondering what is Hidden Movement and if maybe you didn't mean Hidden Fleet? I don't remember of any card with that name, but will check it out later.

I was able to get 8 probe cards (because two leaders did the mission) and most of them were ok to pick as my new base. Only problem is all of them were very close to the imperial fleets. Picking a new base can be a tough decision to do, but at least you leave the imperial player even more confused, because now your base could be in the last place your opponent would expect it to be. :P

If you lose the ground battle at your rebel base, the rebels lose. At least that's how I've been playing it.

But you don't lose a game if there is at least 1 rebel space unit in the rebel base system. You are playing it wrong then. Same goes if at least 1 rebel ground unit survived the battle. The way you are playing works only on the PC version of the game, lol. :P

HA! I've been playing it wrong then. Me and a friend have been playing for a while and we just can't seem to win as the Imperials vs. each other so it has come down to whom ever wins first as the Imperials is the winner at this game. My closest game was when I attacked his rebel base and I won the space combat portion but lost the ground combat battle because we wiped each other out. But by the official rules I would have won.

ATAT's are what you need Daddyguy. As the Imperial it is easy to over commit on ships and under commit on troops - really, the troops are just as important as the ships.

If you can't get any ATAT's then 2 x ATST and 3 x storm troopers is a good landing force

Edited by stuuk