Ever wanted to play orks?

By Professor Tanhauser, in Deathwatch

Ever want to play orks? Like an '' 'leet" team of boyz sent on a " 'portunt mizzhun" to go blow up some 'umie stuff thst's gonna coz big trubbil if'n ya's don' blows it up proppa?

I think it could be fun to play an ork version of only war or deathwatch. Not all the time but for a while.

Nick some of the rules from Rogue Trader. I believe that has Ork Freebootahs.

Ran Ork side missions in Rogue Trader for a while during slow times in game. Everybody got a random Ork from the pile of my pregens and aaaaaaaway we go.

Highlight so far was taking da bosses pet gargantuan Sqiggoth out racing, having a valkyrie get stuck up his bum nose first and freeing it with massive flatulence which ignited sending Squidgy flying over the Imperial Guard roadblock. Airborne squiggoth for the win.

Good times... unless you're an Imperial pilot.

Edited by SirRunOn

I could see an ork version of deathwatch with a team made up of a mekboy, painboy, weirdboy,stormboy and a regular orkboy to keep them odd boys in line. Add in tribes as well as types to create variety.

Ran Ork side missions in Rogue Trader for a while during slow times in game. Everybody got a random Ork from the pile of my pregens and aaaaaaaway we go.

Highlight so far was taking da bosses pet gargantuan Sqiggoth out racing, having a valkyrie get stuck up his bum nose first and freeing it with massive flatulence which ignited sending Squidgy flying over the Imperial Guard roadblock. Airborne squiggoth for the win.

Good times... unless you're an Imperial pilot.


I could see an ork version of deathwatch with a team made up of a mekboy, painboy, weirdboy,stormboy and a regular orkboy to keep them odd boys in line. Add in tribes as well as types to create variety.

You forgot ork Kommandos!


I could see an ork version of deathwatch with a team made up of a mekboy, painboy, weirdboy,stormboy and a regular orkboy to keep them odd boys in line. Add in tribes as well as types to create variety.

You forgot ork Kommandos! http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Kommandos

whoah! Ork kommandoze can read?!?! What's the ork word for "Heresy"?

I could see an ork version of deathwatch with a team made up of a mekboy, painboy, weirdboy,stormboy and a regular orkboy to keep them odd boys in line. Add in tribes as well as types to create variety.

You forgot ork Kommandos! http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Kommandos

whoah! Ork kommandoze can read?!?! What's the ork word for "Heresy"?

Orks ain't got one. Gork says just to hit it 'arder.

I played in a short Ork mini-campaign using the Rogue Trader rules. Hilarity ensued with a looted baneblade.

I assume you gentlemen are already aware of the work of genius that was Deffwotch?

If not: https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Deffwotch

Deffwotch - classic.