First Win With Imperial Vets

By shortz, in X-Wing Battle Reports

So this was my first game after picking up the Imperial Vets set. Used the new defender and some crackshot ties against my buddy mike.

My list

Rexler Brath

Proton Rockets

Ion Cannon



Guidance Chips

Omega Squadron Pilot (X3)

Crack Shot

Mikes List

Rexler Brath

Proton Rockets

Ion Cannon


Tie Advanced (X2)


Advanced targeting computer

Proton rockets

I deployed in the left side of my deployment area with my 3 Omegas in a triangle formation facing his advanced. With our defenders set up a few inches to the right facing each other. My plan was to ionize his defender and get behind it at range one, pummeling it using the new upgrade card that lets you shoot with both the cannon and your primary. While the 3 ties dueled his advanced, hoping to kill one of the advanced quickly using crackshot. So i wouldn't have to eat both salvos of proton rockets. My plan with the Defender worked perfectly. the extra round of shooting was like having two ships in formation firing on the same target. I killed his Rexler in 2 turns. My Omegas got pounded by the advanced, ended up not getting to use 2 crackshots and he was able to fire off all of his proton rockets. At the end of the game i had one left with only one hull, as well as my Rexler being at full health.

So my initial thoughts, the new defender cards are awesome. I want to try flying 2 defenders, one with tractor beam the other with an ion cannon. Feel like that could bring about some shenanigans, especially against palp aces. as well as trying out some of the new bomber cards.