I have some questions after a brief first play of the very basic introduction mission.
One thing that disappoint me a bit playing 2nd ed (at a first glimpse) is that it isn't as progressive in terms of progress unless you play the campaign.
The whole feeling of exploring a dungeon, tile by tile, looting many treasure chests to find gold AND new cool weapons seem to be missing.
(There is onle one single "draw an item" card in the search deck and the number of search tokens are so laughable few and 99% of them are only single use potions, and the gold gained on them is also useless unless playing campaign)
Also, beating tons of monsters seem like a missing concept now that you only input set groups of monsters at a time. Instead of fighting hordes of minions for xp and gold/items and occational big beasts.
What I just want to know is, if I want this feeling a bit more, even tho I just play a single mission with my group, is there an expansion that will help this? I heard there is one expansion that let you explore and reveal tile by tile and make the need for an overlord unecessary. But is that the best bet?
Q2 : I have a question about the familiar made by the necromancer! He seems very overpowerful, at least at a first glimpse.
it is stated a familiar can only be activated once, and make a movement action. And other actions if stated. Does this mean that "1 familiar activation = 2 actions" as with any other activated unit?
And that the familiar will be able to activate a movement action and one attack action on the very first turn that it is summoned after the player has ended his hero actions..?
Also, when the necromancer buy the skill card "Fury of undeath" it states (spend 1 special action) "Exhaust this card to activate your Reanimate. Your Reanimate still activates this turn as normal"
Does this mean it can move and attack for a total of TWO times in a single turn?! (once for exhausting the card and one because you activate it normally later)
I'm confused as to what they really mean with the term "activate" as I find it unclear if you are supposed to read "activate" like - when you are given 2 actions to do stuff, or if activate in this scenario just means one single action...
(I would hate if familiars could move twice and attack twice in a turn due to this combination :S)
Q3 : Just a quick question about setting up the map, you are supposed to tell the players about win/loss conditions... right? Otherwise it's pretty clear that the overlord will win by just rushing to the objective to win unless the players know how to stop it since it can really go super fast with cards like dash and so on.
Q4: When playing the Epic variant, this left a bit of a bad taste in our mouths the first time around. It's very annoying and time consuming (not to mention confusing) for a group of new players to have to read through all the skill cards and all the shop item cards at once just to set up the mission... especially since players don't really understand most of the concepts of the cards anyways, making most of their choises turn into "well this just looked cool I don't know..."
I think this is a pretty lazy (to be honest) and boring way of implementing some progressional content to your one-shot non-campaign missions... it's just "well here you go just pick some stuff" instead of adding something like, more loot on the map or a chance to buy stuff and skills during the mission to make it a bit more streamlined. I don't know, maby it's just us but we felt it could have been done in a different way, since just playing "vanilla" without additional skills and items was very bland since you didn't find anything new and interesting on the map anyways and we wanted some extra stuff in the mix.
Not to add that the first step (every hero get 3 points to shop skills and 150 gold) seemed extremely unbalanced towards the overlord! All players get new gear and super good skills, while the overlord just got 4 points to spend on cards... 4! And still there are other cards in the deck so there is a big chance you won't even get any of your picked cards! Especially since players now might run around with an extra gray defence die and new combo wombo tactics to kill you before you might even have a chance to move your monsters on the first turn.
Necromancer card Undead might states "Exhaust this card when your Reanimate attacks a monster. This attack gains +1 <3"
Does this mean you exhaust it right before rolling die? And can't be sure if the card will benefit you or not (since you can miss completely)
There is this overlord card that states "Play this card when a minion or master monster is defeated to place a fatigue token on the map in that monster's space. At the start of your next turn, place that monster on the map within 5 spaces of where it was defeated. At the end of your next turn, remove that monster (and the token) from the map"
Am I allowed to use this to keep a key monster from ending a scenario? Like if the scenario states something like "If monster X is defeated, the heroes win!" So yeah, am I allowed to be that dirty and extend the mission further?
Q7 : Does Blast "stack"?
Let's say I have 3 monsters in a line adjacent to my hero and he use an attack that targets all 3 of them that has blast. Does this mean that the middle enemy suffers damage a total of 3 times due to the splash effect..?
Well, these are my (and my groups) initial thoughts from a very shallow dive into the game. We are looking forward to more sessions and I am absolutely certain I will be back with more thoughts and questions.
Right now tho, we really just want some nice guideance when it comes to expansions! I have explained a bit what I want to have from an expansion so I hope there are good options out there for us!
Thankful for any answers in advance =)
Edited by ishinken