Anyone interested in joining an offline gaming group located in the province of Antwerp (Belgium)?

By Veruca, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Alright, going to give this a shot here as well. I already posted a similar question on reddit, but no luck so far.

We want to get a game of Dark Heresy 2e going, but could use more people (one or two more would be ideal). Before I continue, let me say that we're currently playing Star Wars: Age of Rebellion, but want to give DH 2e a try. Chances are we might not stick with Dark Heresy, and want to try out other games as well. This does, of course, mean that you are welcome to stay around and try out the other games as well.

Right now, the plan is for me to GM the beginner adventure Dark Pursuits from the Core Rulebook (in the nearby future). While I'm not extremely well-versed in the 40k universe, I think I'm picking up rather quickly. Only one other player has extensive knowledge of lore, while the other two have practically zero experience with any of it. If you'd rather be the GM instead of a player, let me know and we'll make it work. :)

As for the practical side of things, we usually get together on saturday afternoons either at my place in Stabroek, or at another player's in Brecht. We aim to get together about every three weeks.

If you are interested or have any questions, please let me know. :)

I'm interested.

Philippe, Antwerp (Wilrijk)

Pretty good knowledge of 40k unto sixth edition, with special interest in the Badab War.

(Something, something Lamenters.)

Hi. I've recently moved to Antwerp (Wilrijk) and I'd be really interested in this. please PM me the details if it's still going on. I'm also very happy to GM if needed, however I'm a native English speaker with a limited knowledge of Dutch, so I don't know if that will be a problem.

Edited by Cail