Running Beyond the Rim for AoR

By Funk Fu master, in Game Masters

So my group will be starting our first published full length adventure, they are a rebel specforce team, with a force sensitive.

So I am after any advice for adapting the story to AoR.

Im making Reom a Rebel sympathizer, thanks to the death of his father to ISB. Thats the hook that the teams handler (LEUT Blount) used to send the team off to the wheel last session.

I think thats most of the modification needed, besides some paraphrasing in the opening crawl and starting read alouds

Anything else I am missing?

when i ran it for my AoR group, I had them pose as workers in need of employment to see if Reom could be developed into a rebel contact and to see if any tech recovered from the Seperatist wreck could be salvage to help the rebellion.

Reom could be a sympathizer, and the Na Salaor (I think thats the ship) could contain something for the force sensitive. Or, Reom works for ISB. When the data pod drops into his lap, he uses it to lure in the PC group, then sets them up for the ISB to track down and....question.

After some advice on scaling the difficulty.

My party are about 6 sessions in, covering 2 adventures, a 1 shot and a modular encounter night due to a last minute drop out (amazing system by the way) the party has about 120XP. Add to that one PC is a Scientist/Modder and has tricked out the party quite well

Reading BoR, it is written for new PCs. The first few encounters will be a cakewalk for them. Particularly against the Yiyar Clan.

My thoughts are to make Yav a nemesis, with a strain of 12, and all the named minions bumped to rivals like too low talo (and talo getting adversary 1)

Should that be enough or should I also throw in some extra minion groups as ablative armour, maybe using squad rules?

I think the answer is that you want to be flexible, and allow for multiple levels of enhanced response, depending on how your party is doing.

So, if they cut through the Yiyar clan too easily in the first couple of rounds, then maybe more of them show up. And maybe the second batch is a bit tougher.

Keep multiple options in your pocket, in case you need to scale up or down, depending on how things go.

So I ran Episode 1 last night.

My PCs are far deadlier than anticipated, they cut through 6 minons and Talo easily.

Upgrading Yav to a nemesis helped, having stain to use for manouvres got him out alive.

Will definitely have to provide some meatshielding for the second Encounter

It's been a while since I've run the adventure but honestly this one should be easy to adapt. The Alliance could use money and/or the help of the doctor down the line and trying to get some 'gray area' business partners to join with the Rebellion all smacks of perfectly acceptable Rebellion goals. I have found the prime differences with many AoR and EotE missions are the motivations for why they are done (duty vs survival/self service) and generally the vehicle composition for the party. And there are plenty of scout vessels and low armored transports/freighters that can be loaned to the group for the mission if they normally tool around in a squad of Y and X wings or something.

Vehicle is no issue, their first adventure was the Perlemian Haul, and the Freighter they stole happened to have a cargo hold full of impounded ships, including a YT-1300 called the Krayt Fang

I think you identified an earlier hiccup our playgroup encountered, and which has been echoed by other players running 'Beyond the Rim:" lack of en media res, or a lack of action to keep momentum. I suggest finding more Adversary Deck cards to be used as side-combat or other encounters, when information gathering becomes boring or fruitless for the PCs.

Having more encounter options to keep pace based on your party composition may help speed-up the game, especially for more combat-focused PCs.

The adversary cards are great, I've used them a few times when the Bounty on the Ship they have commandeered has come up. The bounty hunter cards have been perfect for Dengar keeps apearing and failing to aprahend the party.

Another issue has arisen from the modular encounters. I ran "Out of the Boiling Sea" from Suns of Fortune, but on the wheel, for the no show from the previous session for her to play catch up.

The end result is that the crew have "adopted" the heir to the Drall throne, Boffin. Running him as a friendly NPC sidekick/mascot/pet, should I bump him to a nemesis with strain, just to give them options?

The team has just finished Episode 2: Welcome to the Jungle. They managed to defeat both the Rodians and Imperials (Even after beefing them up) at the cost of the Token Jedi's arm, which Cratala replaced with a cybernetic.

So now I have the crew's YT1300, the Rodians YT2400 and the Imperial scout ship all packed with survivors heading to Raxus Prime.

After some advice in running the final episode. I plan on running it over 2 sessions.

Session 1.

Imperial Entanglement: How should I go about the chase from the TIE fighters with 3 upgunned light frieghters, they can easily mop the floor against the 4 TIEs. Also, how would I steamline the gameplay noting no PCs are in the other two ships

Yiyars Revenge: This is pretty straight forward, as the clan will attempt to steal or destroy there ship back.

Session 2

Repairing the Bandit: how have people run this? I think a spreadsheet with all the tasks needed doing and a time counter moving along would be most efficient.

Escape from the Planet: Ok, I am most concerned about this one. One Broken down CR90 against 2 equivalent system patrol Corvettes. Yes the PCs ship will be there aswell but is the escape with the Corvette doable, or will it get qwned

Imperial Entanglement: How should I go about the chase from the TIE fighters with 3 upgunned light frieghters, they can easily mop the floor against the 4 TIEs. Also, how would I steamline the gameplay noting no PCs are in the other two ships

I would add more TIEs, maybe make it a whole squadron (3 wings of 4). Run one round of everyone together for some general chaos, then split up since you can't have 15 ships flying the exact same path. Your PCs resolve their chase as normal.

Once you're done, build one master dice pool for each of your NPC freighters to represent the outcome of their chases. This could build off a combination of NPC Piloting and Gunnery skills. Depending on how the PCs fared, add some bonus or setback. Make the two rolls. Many Successes/Advantages/Triumphs, they come out unscathed. Too many Failures/Threats/Despairs, that group didn't make it. Adjust to taste with results anywhere in between.

During your PCs' chase, throw in narrative things to integrate the action without needing to play the other ships. A Triumph that upgrades a PCs check is caused by criss-crossing another chase and that ship knocking one of the PCs TIEs off course, making that Gunnery check easier.

A Triumph/Despair combo could cause your PCs TIEs to break off and chase a different freighter. Triumph because they're not in danger, Despair because they've gravely upgraded that ship's master survival check at the end. The narrative options are nearly limitless.

Have fun!

In my mind, as GM, this is a great time to take inventory of your characters' riches. Do they have too much gear or loot that makes a rival encounter too easy? Do they show gratitude towards their in-game rewards, like a small fleet? What are their individual motivations, goals, and duties?

Dropping a few TIE Fighters that will intentionally target these resources might just be good housekeeping.

"Oh, your fifteenth capital ship - the one with the three crates of kyber crystals and Vader's reading glasses - gets hit for <<drop lots of dice, then grimace>>'ll need to put down that bird ASAP..."