Reach ability

By Bashwilly, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

H= Hero
1= first enemy
2= second enemy

Example: H12

The heros (H) have reach ability. Does he hurt enemy 1 AND enemy 2? He don't have a line of sight on de second enemy but I'm not sure of the answer because he is in his melee zone...

Thanks gran_risa.gif

I don't think he can hit enemy 2 because he doesn't have line of site. However, if he had Reach AND Sweep, I'm pretty sure he would hit both.

Here we go, from the Gathered list of questions sticky:

Can a figure with both Reach and Sweep hit a target through another figure?
Clarification: Can the attacker choose which targets die first in a sweep, thus possibly clearing a way to a further target? (see also LoS)

Can the Master Giant with Sweep and Reach hit all the Beastmen?

Hmm, yes, this is intended to work as though line of sight ignored figures for Reach/Sweep

sonrojado.gif I'm not sure that I understand well... What happen with my example?

Heroes with the reach ability still need LoS to hit monsters, unless they also have the sweep ability.

In other words, Bash, in your example, the hero cannot hit monster 2 unless monster 1 disappears

Ok thanks! gran_risa.gif But if the hero had sweep too, he can hits de two monsters?

In your example, yeah :D You always need line of sight, but when using sweep you ignore figures when tracing line of sight. So rubble can still block a sweep/reach attack potentially. I hope that helps!

It's perfect, thanks!! gran_risa.gif