Getting approval from a crowd?

By kingpin000, in Game Masters

Hi there,

for a social encounter I would like recreate the dance scene from Dragon Age Inquistion , in which the PC and the dancing partner have to impress a royal court. These kind of courts follow strict rules, so I want some combat-like structure in this encounter (no answers with handwaving, plz).

Do you have any ideas for the base structure and execution with the game rules?

Well, my first gut instinct would be an opposed check against the other dance team. You could modify the roll with some blacks and blues earned from a Core/Rim Worlds check or an Education check (simulating how well they know court procedures). And then perhaps a opposed Charm roll to knock the socks off the nobles in the room?


Hmmm, thinking about it, that might be too many rolls for my tastes. I'd perhaps figure out how to farm one of those rolls out to any Wallflower PCs not in the dance off. Perhaps the Education? That way everyone is involved.

Edited by Desslok

Sounds like you should look at some of the results charts for the various skill checks and then come up with something similar to use to judge your PCs results as they progress through how many ever rounds you set up.

I came up with this method for my games, havent used it in a little while, but for a formal Social encounter it works quite well.

Use Social checks to inflict strain on your opponents;

  • Standard difficulty is Average (same as melee combat)
  • Damage = Success + characteristic of skill - Willpower of target (Willpower is the equivalent of soak)
  • When an individual exceeds their strain threshold they are no longer a part of the encounter, they have lost favour and are ignored.

Standard combat maneuvers can be used, but re-skinned, Aim is preparing your next argument, Guarded Stance is defending yourself from attacking arguments and rebutting them. Then all the social Talents can have a large impact on the encounter, it really brings the Social PC's forward into the spotlight.

Then all the social Talents can have a large impact on the encounter, it really brings the Social PC's forward into the spotlight.

Would "Nobodys Fool" upgrade the attack difficulty?

Yep, definitely.