Ok, in preparation for a potential game, I've done some research on the Navy crew breakdowns for both the Age of Exploration and World War II. Here's a summary of what I found out:
Command Staff:
Captain Rogue Trader
First Mate Seneschel
Pilot Navigator
Comms Astropath
Engineer Tech Priest
Security Arch Militant
Helms Void Space Master
WepSys Void Gunnery Master
Sensors Void Augors Master
Launch Bay Void Small Craft Master
Medical Tech Priest?
Crew Breakdown
Yeomen/Officers (Adepts?) 10%
Security (Armsman) 10%
Engineering (Tech Priests) 10%
Ecclesiarchy (Clerics) 5%
Medical (Possibly 1/2 Adepts 1/2 Tech Priests) 5%
Enlisted (Scum) 60%
Sooo.... Sound like a reasonable breakdown for a Rogue Trader ship?