Catch them by surprise action card and Bombardment tactical card

By Seabook, in Star Wars: Rebellion

I have a few doubts regarding those two cards and I would like to confirm if I played them right.

1) If I move my fleet to this system and I have a Super Star Destroyer on it and a ground battle begins, then I play the Bombardment tactical card. Can I choose to do 3 damage in any way I want to more than 1 enemy ground unit that is on this system? For example, there are 2 Airspeeders and 2 Rebel Soldiers and I want to do 2 damage to one of the Airpeeders and 1 damage to any Rebel Soldier.

2) About the Catch them by surprise action card, if I use it during Assignment phase to send my leader to a system where I know the base is hidden, and I move my fleets that are adjacent to that system to reveal the hidden base, starting a combat. Is my opponent allowed to move any of his leaders from his leader pool to that system to get tactical cards to help in the battle? My doubt is if it is ok to send a leader to help in a combat during Assignment phase, since it is not a Command phase or that doesn't matter.

1. Yes

2. Yes only if they have a leader in their leader pool. This card happens in your assignment phase which is AFTER the rebel assignment phase.

Yes, that was what I thought it should happen too. So I guess I followed the rules right :P

I just played my second game of Rebellion, yesterday, and I was playing as the Imperials and nearly this exact scenario arose. In the third round, I happened to both capture a Rebel leader and then release them using the Homing Beacon card. This led to me learning the region of the base. I already had one [under construction] Death Star in that region (Ilum) and two fleets adjacent to that system (Mandalore & Coruscant). At the end of the round when we did our recruitment, I happened to pick up the Catch Them By Surprise card. During the following assignment phase, I placed my corresponding leader on Ord Mantell - correctly deducing the location of the Rebel Base and moving two Death Stars and two large forces into the system. My opponent wanted to use his Rapid Mobilization card to evacuate his base, but I said he couldn't because we were not yet in the Command phase. He said this didn't seem right, but after reading and re-reading the wording on both cards, he resigned in agreement. He moved a leader into the system for the combat, but was totally overwhelmed. I wiped out his forces and he lost the game - in round 4.

Anyone else have this situation occur? Does it look like we played this right?

Edited by NathanBeitler

To OP:

1. Yes, it is simply damage dealt. That it is equivalent to the red damage of your ship in orbit is inconsequential; you may assign the damage among eligible units as you see fit.

2. The Rebels sending a leader to defend combat initiated by Catch Them By Surprise is only contingent on them having a leader in their pool. It is a combat like any other, and one of those steps is the option to send a leader to the combat.

To NathanBeitler:

The order those events would need to happen is:

Catch Them By Surprise

Resolve Combat that results

Assignment Phase ends, Command Phase Begins

Rebels reveal Rapid Mobilization


Rapid Mobilization resolves.

That's how the Rapid Mobilization card reads: it happens at the end of the phase after revealing it.

So it sounds like we played it correctly. I moved ground and space battles to the Rebel Base system, we had combat - space, then ground - in which I eliminated all of his forces, which ended the game prior to the command phase even beginning. He did not have any opportunity to use Rapid Mobilization.

It was a short game, to be sure, and we were both a bit disappointed by the abrupt end to the game.

I've rarely seen two Death Stars in a game, let alone two in a single system! I might be inclined to make a house rule adopted from the original PC game that capped one Death Star to a system due "gravitational field effects."

I've rarely seen two Death Stars in a game, let alone two in a single system! I might be inclined to make a house rule adopted from the original PC game that capped one Death Star to a system due "gravitational field effects."

I've played two games where the Empire ended up with two Death Stars. Both times the Empire had the Death Star project card by round 2.