Looking into making a Solitaire for a game, looking for input in what kind of talents/skills/alt ranks I should look at.
Eldar Solitaire PC
There are various examples for Harlequins statted through the 40K line, with I believe three in Tome of Excess. There's no Solitaire because they're ridiculously overpowered as enemies, and should definitely not be PCs. They should have powers that far outstrip anyone else, but also by nature don't work with anyone else - hence the name. They are the closest thing you can get to being a Daemon without being Daemonic.
I would just read through Ascension and pick out whatever you like. A Solitaire starts its career at endlevel status, so just go nuts with it.
Solitaires have an actual statblock in
Enemies Beyond
Enemies Without (whoops), where they're modeled mostly as elite Harlequins. What's distinct is that they're also Untouchable and have several of the corresponding talents for that Elite Advance, generally pertaining to anti-daemon abilities. (Check Dark Heresy 2E's Core and EB for that.)
That said, what power level are you starting at? I could see it working at high XP values, but not at low ones.
Edited by NFKI don't plan on starting out with everything the NPC stat block has, or even having all the tabletop abilities. I am looking for suggestions about what talents/skills I would be looking at. He will be a Solitaire because that's how hes going to be RPed. The write up in Enemy Without is a good starting point thought.
Edited by VictoryWeaver(S)He isn't going to have fun. Harlequins are silly/cool, but the Solitaire is a loner, even feared by their own people, even by other Harlequins. To have one even speak to you is thought to bring about ruin, and with their soulless nature, no one really likes to be around them, unless you accept that there is a certain amount of "conditioning", and "acceptance" people can develop; Inquisitors keep Blanks around, and they don't always seem ill, and ready to crush the Null's head in, just for the feeling they create, but most people, even most important NPCs, are likely to be put off by them.
In the event you don't know, Harlequins basically get possessed by daemons of Slaanesh, when they join the Troupes. Those who can fend off the possession, force out the daemon with nothing but their sheer willpower, become Harlequins, and in this way, they no longer need their spirit stones; they've delicately given Slaanesh the finger, and when they die, Cegorach fetches up their souls, denying She Who Thirsts her prize. Those who can't fend off the daemon's power die, either from the strain, or as a result of the overseeing troupe, preventing a daemonhost from coming into being. RARELY, however, the soul is lost to the possession, but the Harlequin-aspirant survives ; their soul is wrenched free, and taken to Slaanesh, but they still live, and are immune to further possession (no soul to possess). These rare, damned souls become Solitaires, and though they failed, after a fashion, they prove a potent weapon in the Harlequins' endless battles against Chaos, and daemons. So, this sad tale would have to be your sad tale. You've been possessed, and got the short end of the straw. Even your own people fear you, and talking, unless portraying Slaanesh in the big show, terrifies all listeners, as you might bring She Who Thirsts down upon them, as well. If you get to do it, best of luck. Some fin powers, some fun gear, but probably not many fun RP opportunities, if everyone is playing to the way the characters would interact, rather than players saying "screw that, it'll be fun, so we will just ignore it, and be fine."
That is completely unhelpful. I know what harlequins are. I did not ask for tips on how to role-play one. Especially bad tips based on old leaked info.
Edited by VictoryWeaverWell, from a roleplaying perspective it's very important information and I wasn't sure if you knew the full context of a Harlequin, because like had alluded to, I would say a "starting" Solitaire is already ridiculously powerful. For me, any NPC enemy from a book should be less powerful than a PC of comparable level (or a nemesis designed for a PC of comparable level). If you're uncomfortable with the power level from Enemy Without that should be your starting point.
For playing your character, take what's in Enemy Without and then remove abilities and lower skill levels until it's at a point you're comfortable, and then you can spend your XP from sessions to buy it up.to that point.
Otherwise there's a few fan guides for the Eldar, or you can just treat them as creepy Rogue Traders and give them lots of Agility and speed and attack talents? Given that they are the elite of the elite in Eldar society, they should be able to do anything except use Psychic powers really.
It's not important because it's not official. There is no published source for it. I.E. It's not true. Also makes no sense with the history of the Harlequins. Also, also, Eldar do not need Grey Knight expys.
Also x3:
Edited by VictoryWeaverI don't plan on starting out with everything the NPC stat block has, or even having all the tabletop abilities. I am looking for suggestions about what talents/skills I would be looking at. He will be a Solitaire because that's how hes going to be RPed. The write up in Enemy Without is a good starting point thought.
Apparently that business about Harlequins being inducted through forcing off possession is somewhere back in the older ends of canon? I've not yet found a primary source, but only some musings on message boards and 1d4chan noting that the wider business with the Illuminati might have been retconned out or quietly papered over.
Regardless, the much newer text in Enemies Without contradicts that to some degree, noting that Solitaires explicitly choose their lot rather than being forced into it:
...Instead, they are fated to be consumed by Slaanesh upon their death. The role they play in the Dance Without End, however, is so vital that all Solitaires choose this path willingly, forfeiting their very souls in exchange for the greatest honour an Eldar may possess. This honour comes at a terrible price, and Solitaires distance themselves from other Harlequins, as even to speak with them may bring the curse of She Who Thirsts upon them.
So take that as you will and discuss it with your GM. Standard stuff, really. Like I said above, mechanically they're Eldar-but-more-so with the Untouchable advance and a few resultant talents to repel daemons.
They do not actually have the Untouchable advance, they just have some of the powers from it. As far as I know, only humans have the Pariah gene. However, since they already had rules for the desired effect, they just used those instead of rewriting them. I have also not seen any fluff to suggest that Solitaire suffer from any of the social penalties that a Blank would (unless they are wearing their Solitaire garb). We also know they are not actually "soulless" because the fluff states Slaanesh does not get their souls until they die.
Ofcouse 40k, so it's all true and none of it's true.
Edited by VictoryWeaverIf you're just going to deny everything being posted here as advice then why even start this thread to begin with? Seems you already have a grasp of how you want the Solitaire to be played in your game and pretty **** set in your interpretation of what makes a Solitaire PC lorewise as well. Doesn't look to me like you need us, and calling Venkelos's post unhelpful or saying how the advice given doesn't make sense in the history of the Harlequins is just being petty.
If you're just going to deny everything being posted here as advice then why even start this thread to begin with? Seems you already have a grasp of how you want the Solitaire to be played in your game and pretty **** set in your interpretation of what makes a Solitaire PC lorewise as well. Doesn't look to me like you need us, and calling Venkelos's post unhelpful or saying how the advice given doesn't make sense in the history of the Harlequins is just being petty.
Had you actually read it you would see I acknowledged the only actual advice (thanks to NFK) in the thread relating to what I actually asked , which was being directed to the Solitaire stat in Enemies Beyond. What I denied were claims to things are are not part of the actual fluff. I also presume that you do not know what "petty" means, since pointing out false information about lore is not trivial, nor is the fact it had nothing to do with what I asked. Therefore, it was unhelpful.
If you have no actual advice about what talents/skills a Solitaire would have, which is the thing I asked, why are you posting in this thread?
Sorry the bit wasn't of use; thought it important to hammer home the point on the loner aspect of the character. As for talents, skills, etc, I can't speak for it, because it is the one Rogue Trader book I'm lacking, but you might peek into Soul Reaver. Dark Eldar are still Eldar, and Harlequins are at least as agile as their Commoragh kin. Not sure what's in there, but you'd have to adapt anything else, anyway; they never did us the service of Eldar PC rules; just the BDSM vampire kind in SR. I can't think of any other Elite things for it, so I'd say grab up either Navis Primer, or Koronus Bestiary, as these have good stats for various things Eldar, and even most of the Harlequins, so these will cover what types of Talents, and stuff, the game thinks cover them, and then see how hard would it be to get most of them out of something that already exists; as said, a certain degree of adaptation was going to be necessary, anyway.
Otherwise, supremely agile, dodgy, and skilled with ranged weapons, and I think most of their gear is covered in several sources. Fortunately, as ridiculous as a Solitaire can be, it isn't mostly on account of their gear, so most, or all, of it should be in the books, so Players can loot it from Eldar ruins. Best of luck.
Koronus Bestiary shall join my list of "check it out."
I would treat Solitaire as a advance career proberly Ascensions level, I would look at Incubus Initiate in The Soul Reaver; https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/fd/5c/fd5c6159-dd76-4165-a726-5a44a82342a4/the_dark_kin_wq.pdf
for ideas
I would agree the same source is useful, but probably lean more toward the Wych career path in the ssame document (because agility/evasion-based melee).