Most recent upload: v 1.0 (15 July 2016)
This is a free shop generator for Star Wars tabletop rpg's for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Its most basic function is to go through and roll for every item in the game so that you can skip the part where your players spend hours rolling cause they can't find what they want.
There's loads of features like source book addition/selection, adding flavor text for the main screen, and adding/editing/removing items from each of the lists (weapons, armor, gear, attachments, transportation, and starships).
You can even create custom shop types to make your group's regular shopkeeps feel more like real people instead of a coin machine they throw credits at to get whatever item they like. So for example, you could make a custom shop type that specializes in Brawl weapons, Poisons, and Landspeeders, and so those items will be either more common than other item types or the only types that will show up (depending on how you set the successes/failures).
And for Tabletop Simulator users, you can save shops and email them to your group so that everyone will have the same shop in front of them (make sure to check out the flavor text option to make your shop feel as real as possible!).
Check it out and mess around with the settings until you have something that's perfectly personalized for your campaign!
Also, it's a Java program, so if it doesn't work at first (especially if double-clicking on the icon does nothing), try updating Java to at least 1.7 and try again.
To download, go to the link provided and navigate to the folders til you find the zip file for your OS. Then just download, extract it to its own folder, and run it. Shortcuts will work, but make sure that all the files stay in the same folder (or the whole thing comes crashing down ).
And should you come across any errors or have any suggestions, feel free to PM me or email me at [email protected], and I will respond as quickly as possible.
And to everyone who helped debug and beta test this program, I give my sincerest thanks. I could not have made this without you guys.
Happy gaming!
Combined all the folders into the resources folder, so that from here on out with all updates you'll just be able to merge the new resources folder with your old one, so you can keep any custom shops/shop types that you've created.
Added a function to check what Java you're running and (hopefully) generate a popup dialog if your Java is below the minimum requirement, so that you'll get some feedback rather than it just not opening when you double-click the icon.
Edited by MacKenzieHnC