JITD Quest 7 Question

By Gath3, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

In Vanilla JITD:

Quest 7 The Black Blade yada

1) There is a guardian beast that acts like a master beastman, but you cannot kill it (unless you wield the blade of light). The OL used this creature to camp on chests and was going to use it to camp on the blade of light load. Can you open a chest if this guardian is on one? Theoretically, you could make the game not winnable if you can get the guardian to camp on the blade of light load and not the heroes pick it up.


its quest 6 and you could first use the (crappy) search function:


you are not allowed to move the guardian on the encountermarkers.. sometimes ruled by kevin wilson somewhere. however you are never allowed to open a chest on which a enemy figure is standing, because you have to stand there for yourself ;)

Well, not quite never. If you have the Acrobat skill you can do it. Flight (via treasure or Zyla) would also work.

Actually, you cannot open a chest that a monster is standing on even if you have the ability to enter the space. The rules for opening chests specifically require that you not be sharing a space with another figure.

And yes, the Eternal Guardian can theoretically break the game by standing on the weapon you need to kill him. The official response is basically "don't do that."

Antistone said:

Actually, you cannot open a chest that a monster is standing on even if you have the ability to enter the space. The rules for opening chests specifically require that you not be sharing a space with another figure.

Ah, I never noticed that, thanks. That should put a little bit of a crimp in the Acrobat's style in our RtL campaign. :)