What does Concealed from Prying eyes mean (shadowcloak)?

By Freiduin, in WFRP Rules Questions

What does the grey order Shadowcloak spell actually do? The success reads as follows:

*S* "You become shrouded in shadows and may immediately perform 1 free maneouvre. The shadows conceal you from prying eyes while this card is recharging. I you are in concealment when the spell fades, at the GM's discretion you may make a Stealth (Ag) test to remain hidden."

So, what does "conseal you from prying eyes" mean? It seems to be some kind of automatic Move silent but much better due to the fact that opponent's can't even use their observation skill to spot the wizard. If this is the case, how difficult enviroments for Hiding/Moving silently would it work in?

It doesn't have the "standing in shadow" or similar prerequisite that so many other Grey Order spells have. Since it doesnt have that prerequisite, does that mean that it works in broad daylight and is actually more like some kind of invisibility? What happens if the Wizard casts spells or attacks, does that "cancel" the spell effect, or does it just make him temporarily visible as the shadows "re-conseal him from prying eyes" again directly after the action. What happens with the recharge tokens?

Never mind. Figured it out. No invisiblity or anything like that (that's what rank 2, shroud of invisibility does).

It simly allows you to hide (giving you 1 Free movement do do so) using your Spellcraft (Int) instead of the normal Stealth (Ag).

"If you are in concealment when the spell fades, at the GM's discretion you may make a Stealth (Ag) test to remain hidden." This seems to hint to the fact that you might be able to hide in places not normally hideable in, using non-magical means. For example a shadowy corner of a room, where the spell makes the shadows more dense making the hiding possible. If one tried to hide in that corner using non-magical means it wouldn't work no matter how good you where at Stealth, 'cause everyone would just see you standing there in the corner, looking really stupid. gran_risa.gif

But that spell seems to be more powerfull (and cheaper) than shroud of invisibility, cause no observation test is allowed... ? does that mean, that really no one can SEE you?

I was just looking at this spell and my interpretation is this:

Grey Wizard is in a combat situation and his turn comes up. He has extra power available.

Grey Wizard casts the spell and pumps 3 extra power in it to make it last 3 more rounds (one extra power due to his Order talent)

Even if standing out in the middle of nowhere or engaged with an enemy, (Right in front of his eyes! since it mentions add one purple die if you attempt it), the character becomes shrouded in shadow, because it says "he becomes shrouded in shadow", and this is BEFORE he performs a free manoeuvre. He can do anything he wants with the free manoeuvre, like draw a sword, or move.

"The shadows conceal you from prying eyes (Even if the eyes are engaged with you)" there is no mention of this failing or allowing any chance of someone seeing the grey wizard. It's a done deal and you are pretty much invisible. It only becomes a skill TEST when the spell fades, and you can possibly roll stealth.

Since the requirements do not mention needing to be in shadows, it seems to me that the character has covered the area in shadow, similar to his rank 1 Pool of Shadows, but not hampering vision, only allowing him to become one with the shadows (invisible).

As the recharge ticks down, the character remains concealed and can even launch attacks for the next 3 rounds (It does not say anything about the spell breaking if you do)

The bane effect: The shadows cast over the area (that do not block vision, only allow you to be invisible) leave thicker black motes of shadow. Even these do not let them trace your location, it only lets them know magic is involved).

Some thoughts:

1. The bane effect sounds like a situation where shadows were already available, and no visual change happened other than your character is suddenly gone. The black motes let them know that it is magic. But if you are engaged with someone and vanish in front of them, that is obvious enough. So this must hurt you more in an out of combat situation. Like your character runs around a corner and as they go around to look for him, they only see a trail of black motes. If they didn't see the black motes, they could think you simply got away, but you are standing right next to them.

2. To me, shadowcloak and Shroud of Invisibility (rank 2) are pretty much the same spell, but Shroud of Invisibility lasts longer by default (6 recharge instead of 1) , it will not leave behind signs that a spell was cast, it has a comet effect that is teleportation, it gives your a fortune die on attacks, it has no penalty for being engaged with an enemy (poof, you are gone), and if you did the reckless side, you can conceal an engaged friend.

3. Why would you ever use Shadowcloak again, once you got Shroud of Invisibility? Less power, slightly easier... plus it seems to me that Shadowcloak needs shadows available, and if they are not, conjures a shadow over the area, while S of Invisibilty does not seem to, you just go invisible. This may be why they get a chance to detect you in that state?

4. House Rules: I could easily see GMs applying the same chance to detect the character in Shroud of Invisibility to Shadowcloak, but this would make the two powers even more similar and weaken Shadowcloak. If there was a clear definition of "Concealed", it would clear things up great .. wish it was a condition card. Or perhaps Shadowcloak should have the limitation that you cannot attack, but it should mention that.

The other disadvantage to having shadows cloaking your movement it will probably be very obvious something is amiss if the caster tries to cross open, lit ground. The caster may be concealed, but that mass of shadows isn't always subtle.

I'm still not sure how to interpret this spell. Is the caster visible? Are enemies able to notice / observe / follow / attack him? What is the purpose of this spell (immediate chance to run and hide, short invisibility, creating shadow to meet the conditions of the other spells?).
