CyborgNinja's Repaints

By CyborgNinja, in Star Wars: Armada Painting and Modification

@gounour @melminiatures thanks! (And Mel, thanks for making such an awesome model!)

Finally finished highlighting the main color panel edges - possibly some work on the engines to finish it up, but I'm going to wait till it sees use on the table a bit before I do anything else. Added some shots to show how it compares to FFG's MC80 and the ISD (feels like a much better equal to the ISD on the board now).




Holy moly... how do you achieve these beautifully dark and crisp panel lines? Wonderfully done!

@TheWampa Thanks! This was the first miniature game I ever got into painting, so I'm not sure my techniques are all that great. Just a lot (too much) time and patience.

I base coated the main panels a shade lighter than I wanted the final result. Then applied an even, liberal layer of black wash, making sure the panel crevasses all blacked out. After that, I used a thin brush to highlight the panel edges with the original pre-wash color.

It helps that the miniature has fairly pronounced panel grooves, which made it a bit easier.

Do you happen to have any WIP pictures? I would love to see how much of a difference highlighting the panels could make - for future reference :rolleyes:

@Norell Luckily have a few. The lighting isn't consistent, haha wasn't expecting anyone to ask for WIP photos.

Post-Wash / Pre-Highlighting


Highlighting Half Done


On 1/23/2019 at 4:13 AM, CyborgNinja said:

@TheWampa Thanks! This was the first miniature game I ever got into painting, so I'm not sure my techniques are all that great. Just a lot (too much) time and patience.

I base coated the main panels a shade lighter than I wanted the final result. Then applied an even, liberal layer of black wash, making sure the panel crevasses all blacked out. After that, I used a thin brush to highlight the panel edges with the original pre-wash color.

It helps that the miniature has fairly pronounced panel grooves, which made it a bit easier.

Thanks for the insight! That's what i feared... the only way is godlike patience, and a steady hand for all the panel highlights... dammit, no shortcuts... 😀 😇

Mel's MC19

Shout out to @melminiatures for a great original Mon Cal design for a small capital ship - I'm using the MC19 as a substitute for Jaina's Light in an Ackbar fleet (matching paint schemes below).


2019 Regionals Fleet

The painting came down to the wire, but I finished* painting this Ackbar fleet in time for the Virginia Regional at Huzzah Hobbies yesterday. I've been pretty happy with how this paint scheme has come out across the different ships, although now I feel like the MC40 could use some work to get it to match the later 2 ships.

*The slicer tool on the front of the slicer flotilla needs some work, but I needed 6 hours of sleep before a 4-round armada tournament...


Absolutely love those!

On 5/5/2018 at 9:03 PM, CyborgNinja said:

I have a couple stormtrooper transports from the X-Wing video games painted up, and I use them to show which Gozanti is Suppressor (which is like a mini boarding trooper effect anyway). Realizing now these photos don't do a great job of showing off the stormtrooper transports, but you get a decent feel of what the whole flotilla looks like on the board...


@DScipio You mentioned using the stormtrooper transports awhile back, so I thought I'd tag you here.

@Church14 You mentioned in that same thread really enjoying the x-wing enhanced flotillas, so thought you'd like this too.

Which DX9s did you use for this? I'm hoping to use either DX9s or ATR-6s for my Gozantis, but couldn't find any that were the right size.

1 hour ago, darkknight109 said:

Which DX9s did you use for this? I'm hoping to use either DX9s or ATR-6s for my Gozantis, but couldn't find any that were the right size.

It looks like the DX9s are in a fighter peg with the one Gozanti, and then the fighter peg is put into the flotilla peg.

22 hours ago, CyborgNinja said:

@darkknight109 Cap116 above is exactly right -- it's a couple DX9s in a fighter peg, with the 2nd Gozanti in the last fighter peg slot.

I'll try to take a better photo of it for you, if you'd like.

I got them from Mel's, and the model is really nice and detailed:

Ah, I see - the perspective of the photo made me think they were roughly Gozanti sized. I do actually have Mel's DX-9s, but I was hoping for some I could use to replace my Gozantis and Mel's are a bit too small for that (and, frustratingly, the ones for X-wing are too large), so when I saw your photo I thought someone was making flotilla-sized transports I could use instead.

Just send Mel a pm asking for a resize. Resizing a model takes way less effort then designing one from scratch.

4 hours ago, darkknight109 said:

Ah, I see - the perspective of the photo made me think they were roughly Gozanti sized. I do actually have Mel's DX-9s, but I was hoping for some I could use to replace my Gozantis and Mel's are a bit too small for that (and, frustratingly, the ones for X-wing are too large), so when I saw your photo I thought someone was making flotilla-sized transports I could use instead.

It's all about personal taste and sliding scales, of course, but DX-9s aren't supposed to be as large as Gozantis. Maybe use a group of 4 to get something as combat worthy as two Gozantis?

7 hours ago, cynanbloodbane said:

Just send Mel a pm asking for a resize. Resizing a model takes way less effort then designing one from scratch.

I did already make a post in the minis topic for it, so that part's covered - this just caught my eye as I was browsing through the topics.

4 hours ago, TheWampa said:

It's all about personal taste and sliding scales, of course, but DX-9s aren't supposed to be as large as Gozantis. Maybe use a group of 4 to get something as combat worthy as two Gozantis?

DX-9s are smaller, true, but I think ATR-6s are roughly Gozanti sized based on my recollection of the old games. Those are the ones I'm really after.

Gozanti: 64 meters

ATR-6: 45 meters

Delta DX-9: 20 meters

On 2/18/2019 at 5:42 AM, CyborgNinja said:

2019 Regionals Fleet

The painting came down to the wire, but I finished* painting this Ackbar fleet in time for the Virginia Regional at Huzzah Hobbies yesterday. I've been pretty happy with how this paint scheme has come out across the different ships, although now I feel like the MC40 could use some work to get it to match the later 2 ships.

*The slicer tool on the front of the slicer flotilla needs some work, but I needed 6 hours of sleep before a 4-round armada tournament...



Out of curiosity, what colors did you use for the base coat and accents on the 3 Mon Cal ships in the Ackbar fleet?

On 2/17/2019 at 11:42 PM, CyborgNinja said:

2019 Regionals Fleet

The painting came down to the wire, but I finished* painting this Ackbar fleet in time for the Virginia Regional at Huzzah Hobbies yesterday. I've been pretty happy with how this paint scheme has come out across the different ships, although now I feel like the MC40 could use some work to get it to match the later 2 ships.




Here are the colors - there was a probably-too-heavy dose of Nuln Oil, but it gave it the range of color I was shooting for.

Base - Rakarth Flesh

Accents - Baneblade Brown, Dawnstone, Doombull Brown, Gorthor Brown

Mechanic Grey and Eshin Grey for the darker metal bits and near-black engines, respectively.

I painted up a modified Gladiator flagship for the pirate furball at NOVA Open. I threw in some alt squads for some TIE Advanced (R41 Starchasers and Cloakshape Fighters), and added some thematically painted Z95s and Firesprays. Combined with some of my other alternate ship miniatures from Mel's, I ended up with a decent pirate fleet...



I finished up @ExplosiveTooka 's awesome Arrowhead Corvette just in time for central PA's CAPA Cup and the upcoming prime championships. It's a great hammerhead replacement, and it made me shoehorn a Chammerhead corvette into my Ackbar list.

The model has a lot of great detail, the engine section in particular is really cool. But it was hard to get decent photos of it that actually showed all of that. Here it is on a flotilla stand with Cham's stormtrooper transport and in a comparison shot with some other alternate Mon Cal models.



I don't have much time to read subjects on the forum, but I have to say your paint job and mods are some of the best I have seen on the web. I like the Mon Calamari paint, they look amazing!

fantastic paint job, coherent through the fleet yet not repetitive

What’s there to say except superb? I would love to play against your ships, @CyborgNinja - talk about table presence!

Keep them coming!