Reflect and Parry

By Reddicediaries5, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

5 hours ago, Daeglan said:

The clone troopers did not kill 10,000 jedi. Droids whittled that down considerably. Many fell to the darkside during the war. Then the Clones mopped the rest up with vader at the temple.

And even then, there were survivors of the purge/massacre, especially over in Legends, and included a few Jedi Masters. Admittedly, most of those who survived did so through lucky circumstances (not unlike Kenobi) or simply not being near Clone Troopers when the order came through. Rahm Kota from The Force Unleashed games for instance survived simply because he didn't trust the clones and instead surrounded himself with troops that he had personally recruited.

Granted, the volume of Order 66 survivors did get slimmed down quite a bit in the wake of the canon reset, but Order 66 was far from being a clean sweep.

On 1/15/2018 at 10:06 AM, Josep Maria said:

In our games we made a change to Reflect (not to Parry). It gives Failures instead damage reduction, the rest of Reflect mechanics are the same.

You can't Reflect a lot of time (unless you have some Talents or recover Strain of course).

Out of curiosity, how many failures are given per rank of Parry/Reflect?

I'm going to presume that you're using the ranks+2 formula that the talents use for damage negation, which strikes me as being too good seeing as even a single rank can very easily turn a successful attack into a total miss, and in turn will lead to combats dragging out, especially if it's a Nemesis-tier villain with multiple ranks of Parry and Reflect.

I'm thinking a more balanced approach (for anyone wanting to consider this house rule but not want the Jedi crowd to completely steal the show) might be to simply have reach rank of Parry and Reflect only apply 1 auto-failure per rank of the talent, but still cost 3 strain. Combined with the various defensive options available (Sense on top of Dodge, Defensive Stance, and Side Step), that can give a PC a definite leg up on mitigating the amount of damage they take.

Yes, I use 2+ formula. I based on the idea that even a "low level reflecter" can easily deflect them with not so much problems. Maybe 2+ it's a bit excesive but, till the moment we hacent got so much problems in our games. Apart that I restrict access to those talents I wanted to emulate that at last, until you have some area, explosive or dare to melee/stun/disarm a "Jedi", you will have lots of problems with them.

The main idea of the modification was to confront the "vs vehicle fire" problem but in general therms, if someone have a line in the script on the movies or TV show, it seems pretty hard to kill with blasters XD

I'm open to any suggestions of course ;) but what we have tested until now a group of "not so lucky" minion or a 2 Y 2 G Rival shooting at still can score a hit or 2 on a Reflect 4 char with no amor bonuses but Sense x2 upgrade. Really difficult but not impossible.

Edited by Josep Maria
On 12.7.2016 at 4:58 PM, Darth Poopdeck said:

Most Jedi never get hit by blasters period,

If they made Jedi like they should be, they would over powered.

How could I have missed this. ^_^

Considering that a jedi like they should be would have about 1000 xp ... have you ever seen a sabermonkey with 9 ranks in parry and reflect? That's what you get when you build a combat orientated jedi.

The game itself offers you force sensitives as characters not fully trained jedi. Broom kid not Kylo Ren are the level of force ability for starting characters. A council master would be starting at about 2000 xp.

And besides the jedi died en mass to blaster fire in the arena of Genosis. Not that you could die from wounds in this system anyway. ?

1 hour ago, Josep Maria said:

Yes, I use 2+ formula. I based on the idea that even a "low level reflecter" can easily deflect them with not so much problems.

Now can they? Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan retreat from two droideka after taking fire from them for exactly one round. Remember that this is a single range light action from Jango Fett. The system allows to shoot dozen of times with a single action. And we see plenty of jedi having trouble with this and getting overwhelmed in time frames which this game considers one-round. Often taking wounds from evading shots, near misses, etc, but that is exactly what wounds represent in the system: Bruises. Meanwhile critical hits are full hits with lasting consequences.

Hmm... that's right, I'm probably still influenced by d20 XD. Edge tempos are strongly different, build by "scenes". A "round" can be easily a few seconds up to 5 minutes (from Sam in a ask developers answers).

Maybe I would reconsider the concept. Ans also from Sam itself, Wounds aren't "real Wounds" just a mixture of "energy and bruises" (strain apart). Real damage on Edge are Criticals.

2 hours ago, Josep Maria said:

The main idea of the modification was to confront the "vs vehicle fire" problem but in general therms, if someone have a line in the script on the movies or TV show, it seems pretty hard to kill with blasters XD

The vehicle issue is easily mitigated imho by applying setback dice and difficulty based on silhouette difference, using normal defense on top AND most importantly allowing reflect to be applied before the conversion to personal scale damage.
And in general lower levels of reflect should not be a problem, its those 6+ characters which becomes "immortal" as long as they have their lightsaber.

Hmm... but as seen on Rebels, a Tie doing 5 or 6 damage (x10) even reducing 3 or 4 points still deal 10 or 20 wounds or more. In that case for example the rule fits well.

3 ranks of reflect would reduce incoming damage by 50. Soak would appy on top. And Jarrus seems to have about 6 ranks of reflect. He seems to have a strong preference for form III.

Asohka and Anakin with Giant Dwarf Droids also deflected big fire on CW, do you consider that them also have that level of reduction?

I've had the idea of letting a player spend a light side destiny point from the pool to temporarily convert incoming vehicle scale damage to character scale damage. I've never tested it in live play, so I dunno how much of an imbalance that would be. To my mind, though, it solves not only the frequent complaint of not being able to use reflect on vehicle shots, but also gives non reflect users a way to survive a shot from a vehicle weapon. treating it as a sort of near miss or graze.

A Jedi and a Gunslinger walk into a bar full of bounty hunters. The hunters know the Jedi and want to capture her alive. They start hurling stun grenades.

The Jedi has Circle of Shelter.

As this is a ranged (light) attack the Jedi can Reflect to mitigate the stun damage on the attack targeting her. But what about the blast radius of stun damage? Can that too be reflected so the Gunslinger is unaffected?

Reflect cannot be use against damage from Blast. It can be used (as you indicated) against the base damage from an attack with a weapon that has the Blast trait, but some GMs don't allow this either based on whether they want to pick that moment to be realistic or not.

The thing is that a round equals one minute of combat in this game. Reflect is just as good in the movies. Put together a squad of five or six storm troopers and fire on a single force user with 4 in soak and 4 in reflect. How long does it take those storm troopers to kill them? Quite a few turns and note that is five-six focusing fire a single target for several minutes straight. Most instances in the movies where they deflect blasters and retaliate or run away is a single round.

Edited by Reslin